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Pete had just dropped Bronx off at soccer practice when he got a text from Andy. He felt his phone vibrate but didn't bother to check it since he was driving and wasn't interest in crashing his new car. Once he was parked in the parking lot of a random target he passed, he turned the radio up and checked his phone, Andy had sent him seven other messages after the first one.

ptrisc in twhe hosptsk he swaloed lik 30 pillk plz gyt here fast

hospial by his housae


peter hw insnt gonnsa make it much longewr

Pete's head started to spin as he started his car back up, his breathing started to quicken as he speed off in the direction of the hospital. Pete was sobbing by the time he arrived, he couldn't even park his car correctly and forgot to lock it.
Pete saw Andy sitting in a plastic chair and holding Declan in his lap, tears were rushing down Declan's face and Andy was crying as well. Pete sat down at Andy's feet and pulled his knees to his chest, he sobbed into them, not caring that anyone could see him or that many people were staring. In Andy's hand was a crumpled piece of paper, he nudged Pete with his foot and handed it to the older man.

Dear whoever finds me,
I'm sorry you had to find me like this. I wish life didn't make me this suicidal. I'm sorry that I couldn't resist my urges to slit my wrists and watch the blood drain out of them, like the life in me. I'm not actually sorry, I'm just saying sorry because its all I can say anymore.

Sincerely, patrick martin stumph.

Pete looked up at his ginger friend, he pick himself up and sat down on the plastic yellow chair next to Andy and Andy hugged him tightly with one arm. Declan was crying too, he was curled up in a ball on the chair next to Andy, he was bitting his finger nails and gripping on Andy's hand. "T—there were more letters, I—in the kitchen but I—I didn't have time to r—read them" Andy told Pete, he was tearing up again and wiped his nose with the back of his hand. Andy pulled a few crumpled pieces of paper out of his hoodie pocket and handed them to Pete, who snatched them. He immediately recognized Patrick's hand writing on them, the first one said Andy in sloppy letters, nope not his. Declan, nope, ma, meg and Kev, again nope. The next letter was two pieces off paper stuck together with a paper clip and in curly letters it said babyboy and a sloppy heart next to it. Pete's heart shattered into a million pieces, he didn't want to read whatever Patrick had written for him, it hurt so fucking much. He was sobbing into Andy's lap, the letter ended up in Pete's pocket, Andy put it there so when Pete went home he could read it. If he made it home.

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