chapter 5

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Amelia's POV

Me and Jacob we're rudly awakened by Jess I looked up at her trying to be angry trying to hide my smile
"Not at half 6 in the morning"
He groned and turned over so I looked up at Jess and smiled she helped me up and both of us jumped on him then when we least expected it he grabbed us and pulled into us on top of him and held on so tight
"Alright alright you win please let us gooo"
"Jake I can't breathhhhh"
"Say you love me and I'm the greatest most beautiful man that ever lived"
We both looked at each other huffed and said it together "Oh Jacob you are the greatest most beautiful man that ever lived and we love you"
He let us go and we jumped up and tried to get our breath back
"OMG what I'm I gonna wear?"
"I've already thought about that your about the same size as me so you can get ready down in my room and we can meet Jacob when we are ready"
"Oh Jess your a life saver"
"Yeah Jake"
"When are we to go over?"
"Well they wanted just you two to go over for lunch then we all have to have a family meal since it's Sunday mum wants to make a big roast she's going all out for it, mum wants to make a celebration of you finding your mate"
"Oh that's so sweet I haven't even met her yet and I already love her"
"Oh she feels the same"
"Sorry to break this up but do you's want to get breakfast because I have a meeting to get to Jess you can ask James to join us"
"Okay let's go down I'll mind link him on the way down"
We made our way down stairs and met James on the way, me and Jess tried to sit on the bar stools but she's the same height as me so James and Jacob helped us up
"What do you two lovely girls want"
We both looked at each other and it was liked she read my mind and we both smiled and said
"Banana and chocolate chip pancakes"
"Coming right up"
Me and Jess were just chatting away when we smelt the pancakes and they smelt amazing,
"Oh my you have really outdone yourself they small absolutely amazing"
About 5 minutes later they put a stack of pancakes in front us and a plate, knife and fork we grabbed one each cut a piece and placed it in our mouths and hummed in approval, we finished eating and it was only 7:25am
"We have that meeting now what are you two gonna do in the meantime?"
I looked at Jess for her to answer
"Well mum wants you over at around 11:00am so we can watch a movie in my room then I can help her get ready"
"Fine by me"
"Okay see you later angel"
"Oh shoot angel I've booked you in to see dr. Sal at 9:00am and the meeting crosses over it"
"I can take her if she wants?"
"That okay with you lia if jess takes you?"
"Yeah that's fine, now go before your late"
I smiled as he kissed my head James did the same to jess and they went up to the meeting,
"So what movie are we gonna watch?"
"Umm I don't know why don't we go see saph and Mia and then we'll pick something to watch and I'll go with you to dr. Sal and when we get back the girls can help me get you ready"
"Sounds fine to me"
We made our way up stairs there was so many floors in this place, mine and jakes room is on the top floor, the girls and there mates are a floor below I don't know what's on the floor under them then the third floor has the omegas in and second has a meeting room and a big hall for the whole pack to fit, we walked in Mia's room and I heard her and fire talking,
"How long have you known?"
"Like a week or so maybe longer I don't know?"
"Have you told Darren?"
"No I want to be a 100% sure before I tell him"
"When are you going to the doctors?"
I grabbed Jess's arm and pulled her back and whispered
"Do you think everything is alright?"
"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about but let's go see just in case"
We walked in Mia's room and she was crying sitting on her bed holding something in her hand and fire was rubbing her back
"Is everything okay?"
Mia looked at us her teary face made me sad she handed jess a pregnancy test and it said positive,
"Oh Mia that's wonderful news"
"Yeah yeah"
I walked over and sat beside her
"What's wrong?"
"When I was growing up my mother abandoned me, I had to take care of myself and sometimes she would come home drunk if no one was with her she took her anger out on me and if she did bring someone home he do her and when he was done and she had passed out he'd come through to my room and rape me it was always the same man once I got pregnant and when I told my mum he walked in and beat me nearly to death and the baby died but he still came if it wasn't once a week it was twice a week"
"Oh my god how old were you?"
"It started when I was about 6 or 7"
"Oh my I'm so sorry"
"Don't be it's not your fault"
"I just don't get why your upset though? I mean besides the other baby"
"Because what if I'm a bad mum and I lose this child as well?"
"That will not happen"
"How do you know?"
"Because I'll be there for you jess will be there for fire will be there for you and most importantly Darren will be there for you every step of the way and he will protect you and the little one"
"How do you know for sure"
"Because I'll kick there asses if there not"
She laughs a little along with fire and jess
"No but seriously, I know you'll be a good mum because you know what not to do you can show her that you are not like her and can take care of someone other than yourself and because you never got the love and attention you wanted from her you can give it to this unborn child and give it a better upbringing than what you had"
"Lia that was very sweet thank you"
"Your welcome"
"Hey Mia?"
"Yeah jess"
"Have you booked in with the dr?"
"Me and lia are going along at 9 so why don't you come along and see if you can been seen to?"
"Right girls what are we gonna do?"
"Watch a movie or bake cupcakes and cookies?"
"Can we bake?"
"Yeah let's go"
We walked through to the kitchen,
"What kind are we gonna make?"
"Chocolate cupcakes with chocolate butter icing, with chocolate sprinkles on top?"
"Sounds mouth watering"
"How about white chocolate chip cookies with melted milk chocolate on top as well to go with that"
"Nice who wants to do what?"
"Me and fire do the cupcakes and you and jess do the cookies?"
"Lets get started"
We pulled all the ingredients out to make the cookies and cupcakes, me and fire set to work on the cupcakes as Mia and jess set to work on the cookies,
"Hey fire can you pass me the sugar?"
"Here you go, can I ask you a question?"
"Hope can you cook this without looking at a recipe?"
"Oh it's my mums recipe she made me memorize is so I can teach my kids someday"
"Oh I wish I had recipes from my mum"
"How about I teach you this and her famous red wine stake and mash potatoes?"
"Yeah I don't mind when we're done here I can write them down for you how does that sound"
"Oh thank you soooo much"
She hugged me from the side tight it hurt my back and stomach from all the cuts and bruises,
"Oh my god are you okay I'm so sorry"
"No no no it's okay you didn't know I'm fine honestly"
We put the cookies and cupcakes in the oven and mia handed me a pen and paper so I started writing the recipes down,
We me fire and mia all looked at each other then looked at jess,
"Umm what was that?"
"Urghhh lets go guys Jakob it do my head in mind linking me saying we have to go to see sal right now"
I checked the time and it read 8:40am
"But it's only 20 to 9 why is he insisting we go now"
"Beats me maybe because he wants to make sure that you don't have internal bleeding maybe"
"Oh let's go"
The floor I didn't know had the doctors in as we went in and we got greeted by whom I am assuming is dr. Sal,
"Jess, sapphire, Mia what a pleasant surprise what can I help you girls with?"
"Hey dr. Sal"
They all said in sync and answering my question,
"Sal I'm actually here filling in for jake as he is in a meeting right now but this is his mate Amelia I'm sure you've heard a lot about"
"Ah yes it's lovely to meet you Amelia"
"Please call me lia"
"Are the 3 of you here to accompany her?"
"Um no dr i think I may be pregnant so if you finish with Lia early I was hoping you could squeeze me in?"
"Of course I can, right Lia shall we get started?"
He ushered me into the white room marked room 1
"Jess can you come in with me?"
"Yeah of course sis"
She comes over to me and grabs my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze,
"Come sit on the bed"
I do as told and jump on the bed still holding Jess's hand not wanting her to leave me even though she wasn't jake I still felt a little safe knowing that she was here,
"So I'm going to check you over but first could you put this gown on and I'll be right back I got up and took off the clothes witch I now realized is the ones I slept in well done Amelia stupid, I pulled it on and Turing around as jess started tying the straps loosely as I get back on the bed sal walks back in,
"Okay let's start with the reflexes"
He starts with my ankle, then knee, then abdomen, then forearm, then biceps and finally triceps he gives a slightly worried look after all of them he grabs the ear thingy and looks at my ears then takes the cap of and yards the light to look at my throat same look he gave before,
"Okay look at my finger"
I look at his finger as he shines the light in my eye then does the same to the other eye,
"Okay, you reflexes are week that means you nerves are damaged they can heal but it will take time, your ears and eyes are perfectly fine except from the puffiness around you eyes but I assume that's from crying and not getting enough sleep, as for your throat it's swollen and scarred from all the screaming you have been doing"
I look at jess who is even more worried than me or dr. Sal
"Lets check you body now"
I lay down and he looks at my abdomen and gestured me to turn over then he checks my back with the tissue still being sore when he touches my lashes I whimper and in an instant jess is right beside me soothing my hair down,
"I'm so sorry Lia"
"It's okay"
He continued his check over then helps me turn back,
"I'm going to have a look at you vagina now okay"
I nod my head as I look up at the roof where a noticed a picture that was a jungle you could see the monkeys in the trees and the birds flying around I was pulled from my thoughts when jess grabbed my hand and soothed my hair with the other,
"I'm going to clean this up there's a cut here that's gonna need a stitch or two
I nod my head as he sets to work a few tears escaping my eyes it's still sensitive like very, jess started wiping them away with her thumb I looked at her and she smiled at me as if to say your gonna be okay,
"Right that's me done here I'll give the nurse these swabs then I'll be right back with you"
I nodded my head then I sat up and jess jumped on the bed beside me,
"You okay?"
"Yeah it's just really sensitive"
"Yeah I couldn't imagine what it must have been like for you, you and Mia are the strongest people I've ever met you've been through so much in such little time"
I put my head on her shoulder and murmur
"Thank you"
"Right everything seems to be fine I just have to do some scans to make sure everything is fine on the inside nurse Katie is going to take you through, then we'll look at your scans and assess what going on inside your body okay?"
"What type of scans, if you don't mind my asking?"
"An MRI and X-ray okay?"
I nod my head and follow the nurse she leads me down a hall with a couple of doors down and opens the door to the first one,
"Okay darling this the x-ray room have you ever had one before?"
I shake my head
"Right, it basically takes a picture of a part of your body so we can see what's inside, come up on the bed so I can prep you"
I get on the bed and position myself and she sorts my body in the right positions then moves this massive box thing above me and a bright like shines giving me a fright,
"Shh it's okay I'm just gonna sit behind this glass and take the picture, and try stay still as possible when I take the pictures okay"
She takes all the pictures she needs then helps me of the bed and out the room to the next,
"Right this is a MRI scan similar to the X-ray but this one makes a lot of noise and you have to keep still okay?"
I get up on the bed and lay down and she puts a pillow under my head,
"Right you have to keep very still in this okay"
I nod my head as she smiles then walks away then this loud irritating noise starts up and I'm going through the machine, everything's dark I've never done this before, it's strange I don't like this I started to freak out I'm move a lot but there's not much room for me to move which makes me panic even more, I'm too claustrophobic here I need out, The bed starts moving and I'm out the torture chamber I get up and jess and Katie are by my side calming me down, jess gave me a hug,
"It's only going to take about twenty minutes"
"Have you got a headset she could wear and I could talk to her and she can talk to me?"
"Yeah give me minute"
Katie left us for a minute to get the headset,
"Why did you ask for the headset?"
"It's clear you don't like being in there so I thought we could talk about things you could tell me where you want to go what you want to be? Things like that"
"That could actually work"
Katie came back and she put the headset on me and lay me back down,
"Why don't you try closing your eyes and imagining you somewhere open and spacious"
"I'll try"
2 minuets later I could hear the machine go off again but it wasn't as loud this time, I still feel confined and I don't like it I need out I can't do this get me out of here,
"Hey lia it's okay, I'm here just breathe"
I breathed in and out
"Why don't you tell me one thing you've always wanted to do"
"Em, I umm one thing I've dreamed of as a child, I wanted to take the lead role in Giselle"
"I love that one, I'm a dancer too but I never wanted to go pro"
"Really?, could you help me get back to it and I could try teach you some tricks?"
"I would love to help you"
Me and jess we're still talking and I hadn't realised how quickly the time had went she was right, I got pulled out the machine and I sat up, I was greeted by Katie and jess, Katie took the headset off me and helped me off the bed,
"That's you, go on through to the waiting room and dr. Sal will see you when you are ready"
"Okay, thank you Katie"
I'm in the waiting room with jess, Mia and fire,
"Hey Mia I can see you now if you want to come through?"
She looks at me and I give her a reassuring smile and she gets up holding fires hand and walks in the same room I was in,
"Hey how are you feeling after all that?"
"I hated every minute of it, but I have to get it done to make sure there's nothing wrong with me right?, I couldn't have done it without you though thank you so much"
"Right and I know that there will be nothing wrong with you, plus you're welcome"
15 minutes later Mia and fire come back through and sit down in there original seats
"I'm pregnant"
The three of us embraced her in a group hug making her giggle and the rest of us laugh,
"Lia could you come back through please?"
Me and jess get up bf go back in the plain white room and I sat down in the seat closest to sal and jess sat beside me still holding my hand,
"I had a look at your scans and nothing abnormal about them, except your x-rays it's shows a very bad chip on your elbow and your shoulder blade has been dislocated and been put back into place but in the process of it going back in you have cracked your shoulder blade"
"That will partly be my fault but I don't feel any pain what's so ever"
"Do you mind telling me what happened, and that's not common but it's not unusual only a certain few have a high pain tolerance"
"Okay and umm it was a year ago and I had cooked them something to eat but they didn't tell me what they wanted and when I gave them it they threw the plates at the walls and Zack got up and grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and threw me down the stairs in result of me landing on my arm and I could see that my arm was out so I just grabbed my forearm and shoved it back in I couldn't let them know I had been hurt because they beat me everytime"
"Shhh it's okay let's you bandaged up okay"
He bandaged me up and put my arm In a sling then sits back down
"I have a few questions I need to ask is that okay?"
"Okay just answer yes or no okay"
I nod my head as if to say right got it
"Have you had any flashbacks backs?"
"No, I don't think so anyway"
"Okay, any nightmares?"
"Yes there get worse each time but I wake up before it uhh before it"
"It's okay I understand, right that's everything you may go"
"Thank you dr."
I get up and shake his hand as does jess and I walk to the door and open it I walk out to meet Mia and fire,
We all say in sync and head back up stairs,
Mia jess and fire were just chatting away when I felt something off I smelt burning
"Hey guys do you smell that?"
"I can"
"Me to"
"It smells like something burning"
We stand there for a minute thinking what it could possibly be when I remembered but the same time I looked at fire she looked at me the same with jess and Mia,
We all ran back in Mia's room and the oven was on fire and fire started to panic really badly hyperventilating heavily then she collapsed jess and Mia stare at in in shock as I grab Mia and shake her
"Where's the stuff to put the fire out?"
"I-in t-th-th-th-the c-cupboard j-just t-there"
As soon as I let her go she collapsed to the floor as well when I looked at jess she had collapsed to I ran to the cupboard and pull out the fire extinguisher I ran over to the oven and sprayed it until It was completely out, I sighed knowing I put the fire out I put the extinguisher back and started opening all the windows to let the smoke out, I walked over to fire and shook her a little
"Hey fire you okay?"
"Mmm wha what happened?"
"There was a fire and you passed out"
She sat up and quickly squirmed to the wall shaking
"It's okay I put it out"
She sighed in relief and relaxed
"Come on help me wake jess and Mia"
I walk over to Mia and give her a little shake she gets up and I told her what happened well all got up looking at the oven,
"Well I guess we won't be cooking for a while"
I laugh causing the others to laugh when the door swung open and four men came running in I only recognised 3 of them jake, James and Kieran the other went to Mia so I'm assuming is Darren they hugged us all seemed on high alert panic in there eyes
"What happened here"
Jakes voice booms giving us girls a fright when jess comes over
"There was a fire if it wasn't for Lia I don't know what would have happened"
"What caused it?"
"Cookies and cupcakes"
"I'm sorry it's just we put them in and you mind link me saying I need to take Lia to the dr. Now or you were doing it yourself and I was to worried about Lia and Mia that I completely forgot out it"
"Wait why were you worried about Mia? What happened are you okay?"
"What no I'm fine I promise"
"Oh did I say Mia sorry I meant Lia"
"It's alright just as long as you guys are safe"
"What time is it?"
"It's 10:00am why"
"Your going to be late to see mum and dad"
"It's okay I'm sure mum and dad will understand if we cancelled"
"No they won't they have put so much thought into this"
"It's okay I can do it, will you girls help me?"
They all nod then Jess grabs my hand as fire and Mia follow us through to Jess's room and she practically threw me in the shower I quickly wash myself then I come out I sit on the chair they had set for me as fire set to work on my hair Mia set to work on my make up while jess was looking for something for me to wear,
"Hey jess thanks for that by the way"
"I'm so sorry about that Mia I was still worked up when I explained I didn't even think that you hadn't told Darren about the Lil one"
"It's okay, it just how will I tell him?"
"How about you go on a date and you tell
Him near the end of it?"
"Mmm I wanna do something special ya know"
While they were discussing about how Mia could tell Darren I came up with the perfect idea
"I have I idea?"
"You could either do a treasure hunt where the X is you standing with a sign and a arrow pointing to an X on you stomach with the sign saying something like hi daddy how do you like your treasure? Or you could do a riddle thing where the answer is where the next clue is the last one can be the one you hand him and it could say something like 'I'm very small, no smaller than a bean, I take 2 months to grow, I'm a mixture of 2 people What I'm I? Then while he is trying to figure it out and if he gets it or not you lift up you top revealing you stomach witch has the word baby written across it?"
"Actually that's a good one, the one with the riddles"
"Would you help me with them? All of you?"
"Of course we will help"
30 minutes later and my hair was in big loose curls and my make up was a slightly dark smokey look with a soft rose gold and a little brown in the crease and black eyeliner and my lips were a nude color, I turn around and jess is holding this gorgeous black dress that ombré into a dark purple at the bottom
"I thought this would be perfect for dinner but for lunch I thought you might wanna wear this"
She pulled out a white pencil skirt with a light pink long sleeved blouse I put on and tucked the blouse in at the front and left it at the back I walked over to the mirror and although I looked nice my legs were covered in cuts and bruises I hated the way I looked so much so I wish I hadn't let it go that far,
"Do you want to try it with white skinny jeans instead?"
I put them on and the same as before tucking it in at the front and leaving it at the back and she handed me a pair of soft pink pumps I admired myself in the mirror when jess came and put her hands on my shoulders and sat her chin on my left shoulder on top of her hand,
"You look gorgeous"
"I love her eyes I made it natural but what I love most is how you can wear this look in the daytime or in the nighttime"
"That's what I was going for with the hair"
There was a quiet knock at the door then Jacob walked in he was wearing dark blue jeans and a black polo shirt,
"You look beautiful as always"
The girls 'awed' as I blushed and tried to hide my face with my hair, he took a step forward and put his hand out for me,
"My lady"
"Why thank you kind sir"

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