Chapter 4

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Jacob's POV

I watched in shock as I saw him with my mate witch made sam get really angry, then she looked at me I could tell she was saying save me help me or I swear to god you better get him off me,
"Let go of my mate"
"Ha your mate everyone know that she's mine"
"No I'm not let go of me"
I was mind-linking James the whole time telling him and the others to come around back of him,
"I swear to god zack you better let me go or it will be you that's sorry"
"You better keep you mouth shut, your already being punished for running away you little fucking slut"
I couldn't do it anymore I had to let sam take over,
"How dare you speak to her that way, you have 5 fucking seconds to let her go"
"She's coming home with me"
I saw James and the others behind zack and I knew lia must have saw him in the window because as me and him were arguing she waited until James was right behind him before she elbowed him in the nuts and fell to the ground as I grabbed her as James grabbed him from behind but he got free and and ran right past us,
I felt her fall down in my arms so I lifted her and carried her inside,
"Oh my Love your shaking, do you want me to take you up to bed?"
She nodded as I made my way upstairs, I placed her at the edge of my bed and got down to her level,
"I promise you I will never let anyone touch like that again even if it kills me"
She was starting to calm down a bit when James mind-linked me
'Alpha he got away I'm very sorry'
'What!, before we left this morning I asked if you killed them all you said you did!'
'I know I thought We killed him'
'It's alright I want you to scout the area twice as much as before'
'okay alpha I'll get on that right now'
"Hello what's wrong?"
I put my head in my hands,
"Ohh Amelia"
She put her hand on my cheeks and lifted my head,
"What is wrong?"
I whispered
"He got away"
She dropped her hands and Started crying and shaking so I pulled her into a hug and she buried her head in my neck after about 5 minutes she started to calm down,
"You okay?"
"Yeah, but you know what I would love right now?"
"What?, a massage? a tighter hug?"
"A bath"
"Oh well I'll just start running one for you then"
"Thank you"
I started running the bath and saw that I still had some bubble bath so I poured some in it was peach it reminded me of when I met her when I smelt vanilla lily and peach I mean you never thought that they three would go together but on her it's amazing, the bath was done so I  shut the water off and walked back out to her,
"Hey love?, your baths ready"
When I looked on the bed she wasn't there but she was at the window I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist,
She whispered
"Is that what you wanted to show me?"
I looked to see where she was pointing in the far distance there was a lake with a small island in the middle,
"Um well not exactly"
"Oh then what was it?"
"It's a surprise but in the meantime your bath is ready"
I took her hand and led her to the bathroom,
"Right well I'll leave you to enjoy your bath"
As I went to walked away she grabbed my hand,
"join me?"
"Seriously come on"
She quickly got undressed and sat in the middle of the bath with her knees to her chest,
"Are you just going to stand there or are you coming in?"
I quickly got undressed and sat behind her I lent back as she lent into my chest we lay there for a couple minutes just soaking up the water I looked down at her and I could see she was a little unease,
"Penny for your thoughts?"
"Mmhm oh it nothing really"
"Oh come on don't hold back on me"
"It's just..."
"Just what? Come on love you know you can tell me anything"
"It's what if he comes back and actually gets to take me, I mean what will I do? I don't think I could handle anymore?"
I sat up and turned her around so she was facing me her legs were over mine going behind me and I placed my hands on both her cheeks,
"He will never come back, and even if he does he will never put a finger on you if he is within 10 feet from you I will rip him apart limb from limb that I promise you okay"
"Thank you"
"No need to thank me your my mate and I will never let anyone one touch you or they will answer to me"
She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around me I put mine around her waist as she buried her head in my neck, the water was now cold so I got out first and wrapped a towel around my waist and wrapped one around Lia we walked back into the bedroom when
I jumped at the sound of my sister at the door as Lia hid behind me,
"Uhh yes!"
I heard giggles from behind me and I turned to look at her
"I thought you were the alpha?"
"Yes I am of course I am, anyway Lia this is my sister Jessica but we call her jess, jess this is my mate Amelia"
"Hi nice to meet you"
Lia came out from behind me to say hello
"Anyway you have a meeting right now, I'll keep her company until you get back"
"Um will you be okay with that Lia?"
"Yeah I'll be fine I need to know who my future sister is don't I?"
"Great now you go get dressed"
I went into my closet and pulled on some jeans and a white short sleeve v-neck t-shirt I also grabbed a pair of my sweats and a t-shirt for Lia.

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