Chapter 6 - Jack Frost

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Written by 17BloodWolf

Chapter 6 - Jack Frost

I can't help myself, Hiccup is just too adorable. Woah, woah, woah! I'm a guy and he's a guy. When did I start liking guys?! Maybe when I first laid eyes on this cutie. Jack, shut up! You're not a man lover! Well maybe I am. No, Jack you don't love boys! Hiccup gently pushed me away, his cheeks turning red. "What's wrong with you?" Hiccup asked with a blush. "I don't know," I said stupidly, "I think I'm falling in love with you." He looks up at me with his cute green eyes. Why did this boy make me feel weird? Was it the way he looked at me? "I think I'm falling in love with you too," he says back, turning redder, "But I thought boys can't love each other."

I thought for a second, what if he was right? Maybe it was against the laws of nature to love a boy. Then my rebel side got to me. "Why don't we break a few rules?" I ask him, a mischievous grin on my face, "You only live once, right?" He looked down for a few seconds, thinking of what to say back or even if this was a good idea or not. Then he looks back up at me and answers, "You're right. I think we could try this for a while and see how it turns out." I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him closer to me. "Shall we start to find out?" I ask him. I lean down and kiss him passionately. He wraps his arms around my neck and has to stand on his tippy toes to be able to kiss me. I bite his lip, asking for permission to have my tongue enter his mouth. He grants it and my tongue explores his mouth. I smirk and wrap his legs around my waist. "I love you," I say against his lips. "I love you too," he murmurs back. I lay down on top of him on his bed, not breaking the kiss. I lightly pulled off Hiccup's shirt and ran my hand down his chest. I broke the kiss and began to suck on his neck, leaving one big hickey. I then ran my tongue from his collar bone and down his chest.

"Hiccup!" a booming voice yelled from downstairs. "Damn," I hissed under my breath. "To be continued," I told Hiccup and raced over to the bedroom window. I opened it and flew away from Hiccup's house. I hid behind Hiccup's next door neighbor's roof and watched Hiccup pull his short back on quickly. "Hiccup!" his father yelled as he walked back in, "Where were you today?" "I trained Toothless," he answered. "That's good to hear," his father said happily, "What's that on your neck?" His father looked closer and I began to worry. "Its nothing dad," he says and cover a it. "Ok then, if you say so," his father walked out and Hiccup crawled into his bed. "Good night Jack Frost," he whispered and pulled his bed covers over himself. He closed his eyes and blew out his candle.

I laid back on the neighbor's roof and looked up at the beautiful night sky. I spotted a shooting star and made a wish. I wished that Hiccup and I could be together one day without anyone judging how we felt towards each other. As strange as a boy loving another boy sounded, I hoped that one day people would understand. Right now it didn't seem like people would understand. I had been all over the world and I knew how people treated people like Hiccup and I. They tortured boys that loved boys or even killed them. They were inhumane. If people found out about us, Hiccup could be in terrible danger. Would I really want to risk his life like that? Would I? No I wouldn't. If I loved him, I would let him go. I got up and took a last glance over at where Hiccup slept. I want him to have a good life. I don't want to see him die. His father saw the hickey, I know it may be harmless now, but it will eventually get worse. I flew over to his window, remembering I left my staff in his room, and grabbed my staff. I quietly closed the windows and wrote a message on Hiccup's window with frost. It said:

I love you a lot. I'm leaving now, not because I don't love you, but because I love you so much that I don't want to get you in danger because of my stupid actions.
~ Jack

When I finished, I flew away with my staff in hand. I continued to create snow everywhere I flew. "Good bye Hiccup," I said as I flew away, "I don't want to get you hurt."

~Ten years later.......~

What people say can sometimes be true, within time you really do become less immature. Not that I would apply to that. Well, maybe I would. I've become more clever, shall I say? Maybe that's not the word for it. Anyways, other than that, I've been doing the same thing over and over again. I get to chill in the summer and work in the winter times.

Sometimes I find myself wandering over to Berk just to watch on Hiccup from a distance. It seems like he's forgotten about me because he's been with this blonde chick. She's cute, I admit it. But with my Hiccup!? No way girl, no way. Ever since I've left him, I've felt do empty inside. I guess I need him more than I thought. So, I've decided to show myself to him, even if he gets angry at me for leaving without saying a formal good bye.

Here I come Hiccup! I'm coming back to hold you in my arms once again!

Two Lives Come Together (Jack Frost x Hiccup) (BoyxBoy) - English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now