Fighting - Mark & Haechan

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(Omfg that picture though I'm dead ×_×)

"Marky boy!"

I saw him flinch and slowly turn around with a forced smile on his face. "How many times have I told you not to call me that, Haechan?"

Haechan shrugged nonchalantly and stuffed his hands inside his pockets. "I don't know, maybe five or six times?"

Mark sighed, trying to control his temper. "It was eight. Eight times, Haechan." I let out a unladylike snort. "And how are you, little princess?" Haechan up to me and got me in a headlock. He messed up my hair, making it even messier than it usually was.

"Yah, Haechan! Stop it! You're ruining my Chae Young's pretty hair," he wrestled me out of his grip and attempted to fix my hair. "Don't bother, Minhyung," I insisted and pushed his arms away gently. "It's been messier before."

"Ah, my Chae Young is being so negative now," he put his hand on his forehead dramatically. "This is all because of you, Haechan. She wasn't this negative before," he pointed a accusing finger at him. "Yah, stop it you two," I smacked Mark's finger away from Haechan's face lightly.

"Pssh, you don't have to defend me, princess." He waved his hand in the air. "'Kay then," I said, smiling deviously. "Is that a unicorn, Minhyung?" I quickly pointed to the sky. "What? Where?"

I smirked, Why are you so gullible?

"Yah, that's harassment!" I pretended to be hurt and leaned over. "Huh, what?" Haechan looked confused. Mark turned around.

"Don't act stupid, Donghyuck! You really hurt me!" I faked a tear. "What?!?!? Haechan! You're dead!" Mark started to run after him. "I didn't didn't do anything!" Haechan repeated several times while running. "You have to say sorry, Donghyuck!" I sniffed. "I'm sorry, crazy woman!" He yelled over his shoulder. "Sorry my plaid skirt! Get back here, Haechan, you little trickster!"

"Hyung! I didn't do anything! She's the trickster here!" Haechan protested when Mark finally caught him and was dragging him back by the ear. "Apologize to Chae Young," he ordered, making him face towards me, still holding him by the ear.

"I already did, hyung!" He whined.

I burst out laughing, making Mark look at me, confused.

"You're such a pabo," I laughed, wheezing while pronouncing each syllable.

"Bwo?" Mark asked, tilting his head cutely while holding Donghyuck up in the air by his collar now. "It was a trick, Minhyung." I said seriously. "You can put Donghyuck down now."

"It was a trick?" Mark dropped Haechan on the ground with a loud thud. "Aish... couldn't you have done it a little more gently?" Donghyuck complains, rubbing his back.

I face Mark, who has an unreadable expression on his face. "Minhyung?" I ask, hoping he wouldn't be mad.

"You are so dead, Park Chae Young."


A./N.- I'm so sorry for the late update! I also apologize that the chapter is quite short too. *bows* Saranghaeyo readers! <3 <3 <3

P.S.- unedited

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