Chocolate - NCT Dream

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You hummed as you skipped to school, feeling very optimistic about today. Clutching the light pink box wrapped with ribbon in your hands, you stepped inside your classroom. Your eyes scanned the room until you spotted him. Him with his other friends, laughing at a stupid joke that his friends made. You inhaled deeply.

"Come on, Y/N, you can do it." You muttered to yourself. You looked at his friends again, seeing that they quickly turned their heads away when you looked. Huh. Odd.

Looking down at the box of chocolate in your hands, you made a mental note to do it at the end of class. "You got this, Y/N." You said to yourself. You walked over to your desk and placed your bag down, suddenly remembering to write a letter with the chocolates.

"Dear-" "Y/N!" You looked up from the note to see your best friend, Jeno. "What's that, Y/N?" He attempted to grab the letter but you flipped it over and put your hand over it. You shook your head at him. "It's a secret."

He pouted a little at you. "Fine. But I'll find out sooner or later. Just watch." He made a gesture with his hands that implied that he was watching you by using two fingers to point at his eyes and then point at you as he turned around in his desk in front of you.

You suppressed a small snort. "Annyeong, Y/N!" You looked up a little to spot your other friends, Jisung and Haechan. "Hi," You smiled and greeted them. "What's up?"

"What do you mean, 'what's up?' Look at you! You're practically glowing." Haechan commented and poked your cheek playfully. "Is it because of this, Y/N noona?" Jisung's curious hands found its way to the pink box and was looking at it curiously.

"Oh, what's this?" Haechan took it away from Jisung and shook it lightly. Jisung pouted, feeling upset that he couldn't look at it any further. "Oh my gosh, is this for me?" Haechan batted his eyelashes and posed with the box. "You wish!" You snatched the box from his hands and stuck your tongue out playfully. They pouted and went to their respective seats.

You placed it carefully in your bag, oblivious to the stares that seven boys were giving you.

Mark blew his bangs away from his face as he kept wiping the chalkboard. You could tell something was distracting him but you didn't want to imply. You just continued to write your letter. Mark turned slightly and saw you writing the letter. He turned fully so he could stare a bit longer at you.

He wasn't the only one staring, though. Chenle laid his head in his arms as he continued to stare longingly at you. You would do small things, like biting your lip or twirling your hair occasionally. Chenle smiled at these things and how adorable you were.

As you were writing, you had forgotten that you needed to grab your hair tie in your bag. You leaned over to the side, giving Renjun a chance to sneak a peek at you. Everything. He liked everything about you. He wrote that down in the letter he was writing. He kept staring at you and admiring your features. You looked back up and accidentally locked eyes with Renjun, who seemed startled and quickly looked away from you. He turned a bright shade of pink and looked down, bashful. You giggled a little.

Jaemin smirked as he saw all of the 6 boys making googly eyes at you while you focused on the letter. He looked at you, unknowingly biting his lip while he stared at the back of your head.

"Teacher's coming!" A male student quickly shouted and everyone scrambled to get to their seats. The teacher came in a few seconds later, seeing a neat classroom and students looking at him expectedly. He smirked a little and wrote down a quote on the board.

"What was Jamie Raven trying to convey through this quote from the Series of SKY?" He asked. The class looked down at their desk, avoiding eye contact with the teacher.

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