Soongi's Time

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Day One(Part Two)
      Hyunwoo had entered the room of Soongi and her other seven roommates. They all continued to smile at him and giggle as they continued to look at him. The other girls started to hit each other's arms,as a way to say that Hyunwoo was cute to them. Of course Hyunwoo didn't know what they were saying,because he wasn't that too keen on social reaction.(Author Nim:
Recall to the last chapter.) Hyunwoo just continued to mutter to himself under his breath of a few things he started to remember and soon started to remember them.
Hyunwoo thought to himself....
      "Man,I wonder what Soongi is thinking right now. We are just friends and all. I hope she doesn't get the wrong idea. I was just being a generous,caring young man,like I was supposed to. I know that when working for the military or any type of regiment,you can't have relationships. It's not like I see her like that,of anything. Aish! What am I thinking,the only relationships that I could have are same sex in the flower boys. I forgot what Soongi said.Oh how stupid I am.",Hyunwoo thought to himself,squinting his eyes,trying to not cry and clenching his fists.
(Author Nim:
Sorry for the cock blocking.Soongwoo is never meant to be.)
A few days earlier....
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Soongi,is that all you need to tell me? I know to keep the flower girls a secret,but I don't want you to keep any secrets away from me as well.",Kim Hyunwoo smiled,putting his hands on Soongi's shoulders.
Min Soongi:
"Yeah,there is just a few more things.",Soongi muttered,with a flushed face.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"What is is Soongi? Spit it out.",asked Hyunwoo,slapping her back.
Min Soongi:
"Number one.
We can't have heterosexual relationships,but only same sex relationships in the flower boys and flower girls.
Number two.
Don't try to miss any of your training,or else you will suffer any consequences.
Number three.
Don't believe a single word or facial expression the royal family says or does to you.If you see them put off that same 
particular smile that they gave you at the ceremony. It's just to fool you,deceiving you into their dark satanic beliefs that they practice behind the government's back.
Number four.
Don't ever disobey any order of the royal family,OR ELSE.",Soongi warned with a scary,alarming face.
Hyunwoo of corse didn't know what Soongi was saying to him. On other words,Kim Hyunwoo was not the sharpest of his surroundings,but Hyunwoo is very book smart,when it comes to other things. Like everyone else,he could remember something and not so much in others,like getting warnings or such.This made Kim Hyunwoo look very disgusting to others,like a army ant walking until it's death after accidentally tracking a looping smell. It's just to show the many ways humans can incorporate,or think things from each individual. Hyunwoo was just a person who needed to be able to see the world differently than most others could,after his scarring of his childhood,with his mother.
      Hyunwoo looked at Soongi and saw that she was smiling back at him,Just like his dad would. That same particular smile made him feel a bit off to his stomach. It made him think that if Soongi was fake as the royal family was to him,with the same smile. Hyunwoo soon got over it and realized that she wasn't because if she was,why would she tell him that kind of stuff the night before the ceremony. It's not like Soongi was trying to deceive him as well. Hyunwoo saw Soongi as his friend and the only person that he could trust. How could he turn his back on her,after all she had done to help him. He couldn't. He vowed his life to protect the royal family and to protect all the people of Sillia as well. This included Min Soongi,the one closest friend he had,meaning all he had left,besides his shitty mother.(Author Nim:
He's still in denial with his mother. -_-)
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Soongi,I just want to say something that has been really bothering me lately. I hope that you don't take me off as weird or anything,but do you like me?",Hyunwoo asked,with his head down,cupping his hands.
Min Soongi:
"Well,actually I do like you,Hyunwoo. I just didn't want to tell you anything,because of the rules here. I didn't want you to take me off as some weird person.",Soongi confessed with her eyes watering up.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"I'm sorry,but we can't be together.",Hyunwoo told Soongi.
Min Soongi:
"Why not? Is it because of the rules that were strictly given to us? We can overpass those rules and still be together. It's like how the government of Sillia doesn't know that flower girls exist. I can make it up to them somehow. I can do anything,as long as I am with you,Kim Hyunwoo.",Soongi declared with dilated eyes,showing she has affection to him.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Soongi,it's not that. It's just that-",Hyunwoo tried saying,being interrupted by Soongi.
Soongi tugged Hyunwoo by the chest of his hanbok and pulled him forward. She put her head into his chest and started to cry. Soongi then burrowed her face into his chest and stayed there for a few minutes. Hyunwoo put his head on her shoulder and patted her head,trying to calm Soongi down,as she was shaking from all her weeping from the crying. Soongi then stopped crying and pushed herself away from Hyunwoo's chest with both of her arms. This made Hyunwoo confused,thinking that he made Soongi mad.
Kim Hyunwoo:
"Soongi,are you okay? Did I do something wrong to hurt you? I'm always here for you. Tell me what's wrong.",Hyunwoo told Soongi nervously,with a shaky voice.
Min Soongi:
"Let me just do this for a bit,okay.",Soongi cried,wiping the tears off of her face with her left hand,still shaking.
Min Soongi grabbed Kim Hyunwoo by his right wrist,with her left hand and stood on the tip of her toes. She soon put her right hand on his left cheek. Hyunwoo was lost in what was happening. He didn't know that what was going to happen next,so he just left Soongi to do whatever she was going to put upon him.(Author Nim:
Afterall,he wasn't all that social smart of his surroundings.) Soongi tilted her head and then locked her lips on his.
Hyunwoo got started and his eyes grew big. Soongi was kissing him. What made him come to have a sudden love interest in him? He didn't give off any signs. Hyunwoo was just being polite and a gentleman. Then Hyunwoo remembered what made him give off that kind of look.
Hyunwoo thought to himself....
      "Oh. I remember now. That day when I accidentally said that I cared for Soongi and would do anything for her. I also gave her the looks of someone with interest of more than a friend. Shit. I remember my eyes were sparkling and I was blushing,nervously. I should of told her something for her not to think like that. Now I feel like a fool. Soongi thinks I love her like that. I don't. I think of her more as a sister and a friend. Actually family,in a relatively standpoint.",Hyunwoo thought to himself,while Soongi was kissing him.
Hyunwoo closed his eyes and kissed Soongi back,softly. It was his first time kissing anyone and he wondered if it was Soongi's first time as well. It felt great and Hyunwoo went in for another kiss. Hyunwoo grabbed Soongi tightly and pushed her more into his body.
Hyunwoo thought to himself....
"What am I doing. I thought Soongi was just my friend and nothing more than that.Why am I letting her kiss me? I went back in for more. Am I crazy? I don't like her like that. I need to stop. Why can I stop? It feels so good. Her warm,soft lips on mine. I need more. I need her. I need time with Soongi.I love her. I actually do. I need to stop hiding it from myself.,thought Hyunwoo as he continued to kiss Soongi more.
Hyunwoo didn't really love Soongi really,or even if you consider that love at the vary least. What Hyunwoo felt is nothing more than lust for Soongi. Everyone has their dark secrets and Soongi's was true,rather than Hyunwoo's,that was despicable. Not everything that you see meets the eye.Beware the way a person looks at you. Look at their eyes and you can tell what they are thinking.
Hyunwoo's eyes instead were dead cold. His pupils were small,instead of dilated,not showing any love for Soongi. All that was shown was a slight smirk,with flushed cheeks.Well,Kim Hyunwoo was a young gentleman after all.
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