Chapter 1

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You woke up to your phone vibrating non-stop! You groaned as you searched around for your phone. Finally getting hold of it, you pressed your finger on the phone before holding it up to your face.

"Hello?" You said, your voice husky from sleep. You heard a bunch of voices yelling in the background before one clear one.

"Guys! Shut Up!" The voice yelled. "(Name)?"

You knew that voice. It was your best friend Kim Namjoon which means the other loud voices in the background were your other six idi-...Best friends. Though you were pissed off about being woken up, you can feel a smile forming on your face.

"Namjoon, why the hell are you calling me at-" You paused and looked at the digital clock on your nightstand, "Six in the morning!"

Namjoon let out a nervous laugh. He knew waking you up was a bad idea. It was almost as bad as messing with Yoongi's sleep.

"I'm sorry, (Name). But we have some free time later and we wanted to know if you wanted to join us?"

"At six in the morning?" You questioned.

"Well, SOMEONE was supposed to ask you yesterday but forgot."

"I SAID I WAS SORRY!" You heard a voice yell in the background. It was, of course, Taehyung. You laughed slightly.

"Okay I forgive you guys and sure! What time do you want to meet?" You asked.

"Perfect! We'll meet you at your apartment at 10. See you then!" He said before hanging up.

You put your phone down and looked up at the ceiling. You tried going back to sleep but it was no use. You were awake now. You got up and started getting ready for the day.


You didn't know what the boys wanted to do today so you decided to wear something simple yet comfortable. Black Skinny jeans, An Oversized basketball tee (which you may have borrowed/stolen from one of the boys), and your red converse highs. Yoongi hated when you wore them which is why you did most of the time. You loved getting on his nerves. When you were finished getting dressed it was only seven so you watched some TV to pass the time.

Several hours passed before you were awoken by a knock on the door. You rubbed your eyes and looked around in slight, sleep-induced confusion.

"When did I fall asleep?" You mumbled to yourself. There was a knock on the door again waking you up a bit more. You grabbed your phone, which was nearby, and walked to the door.

"(Name) noona!" You heard immediately upon opening the door. It was Taehyung who attacked you with a hug. You weren't quite expecting it so you stumbled a little.

"Yah! Get off of her." You heard next before Taehyung was pulled off of you. It was Jimin's voice. He looked at me and smiled. "Hey, (Name) noona"

The last one at the door was Jungkook who greeted you as well.

"Hey, guys! Where are the others?" You asked looking for the four older boys.

"The Hyungs had to do one more thing and asked us to come get you," Jimin explained. You nodded understanding.

"Nice hair..." Jungkook commented pointing at your head while smirking. Of course, he'd noticed your messy hair and actually SAY something about it. The evil maknae...

You instinctively put your hand on top of your head trying to smooth down your hair which was basically pointless without a mirror. Luckily there was one nearby.

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