Chapter 2

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You instantly regretted your life choices after the ride. The whole time you were screaming, blaming Jin for that horrible idea, shouting some very choice words and obscenities and even spewing some philosophy shit that Namjoon had drilled into your head just to escape reality.

(Refer to media above. I used that scene above as inspiration lol)

"Are you okay, (Name)?" Jin asked sitting next to me handing me a cup of water. After the ride, you felt insanely dizzy and queasy so they insisted that you sit on a bench nearby. You took the cup from Jin and gulped down the contents.

"I-I'm fine," You said smiling at him. You weren't before but the water helped a lot.

"Are you sure?" Jin asked again being the mama bird that he was. "Do you think you can keep going?"

"Oppa, I'm okay seriously," You said standing up to prove your point. "Stop worrying so much."

"Of course I'm going to worry about you, (Name), seeing as this is my fault."

"Oppa, what are you-" You started to say but Jin interrupted you.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. "If I'd known you couldn't handle them I wouldn't have forced you to ride it."

You sighed realizing why Jin was worried about you, more so than usual, and upset. He felt that he had forced you to ride the rollercoaster and indirectly the reason that you almost threw up your breakfast from this morning.

"Oppa, you didn't force me to do anything." You said looking up at Jin. "It was my choice to go with you."

Jin kept wanting to blame himself but you shot him down each time he tried. In the end, you convinced him that what happen wasn't anyone's fault and that you were okay. After that event everyone was hungry so you decided that all of you would do a couple more things before heading out.

While walking you noticed an inflatable boxing ring. You smiled mischievously before calling for the boy's attention.

"See anything you wanted to do?" Jimin asked. You nodded and pointed at the ring.

The boys sighed upon seeing the ring. It wasn't like they didn't want to go to it. They did but there were eight people so there was a chance one of them would be paired with you. You weren't a very active person while they exercised and had dance practice most of the time, they didn't want to hurt you unintentionally.

"(Name)-noona I don't think that's a good, "Jimin started to say but you had already sprinted towards the ring. The boys groaned knowing they weren't going to talk you out of this before following behind you.

The cost for one round was about 3000 won but first, everyone had to decide who'd be paired with who. Just like the mature adults you played Kai Bai Bo to decide the pairings.

After about three times the teams were made. Jimin was with Taehyung, Jungkook was with Yoongi, Hoseok was with Jin and you ended up with...Namjoon.

"Poor (Name)-noona," Jungkook said shaking his head. "He'll break her...."

"Hey! I'm not that bad!" Namjoon said offended.


Everyone, including you, looked at him remembering all the things he had broken by just simply touching them. God of destruction was a very fitting nickname for him.

"Okay, maybe I am but I would never hurt (Name)" He defended. You laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

"He's right," You spoke up. "He may break a lot of things but he's never broken a person before."

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