Chapter 4

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It was finally nighttime and everyone agreed it was time to head home. It was only around six but you were getting sleepy and the boys had busy day plan for tomorrow. Yoongi was carrying you as you slowly fell asleep on his back. Jimin was walking beside you two carrying the stuffed toy you had named (random name).

"Hey hyung," Jungkook said coming to stand beside Jimin. He looked at you to make sure you were really asleep before speaking again. "Did you ask her?"

"The answer was no," Jimin simply said.

"Perfect!" Jungkook said smiling. "Now on to the second part!"

Yoongi was listening in to their conversation. He had no idea what the two idiots were talking about but it probably had something to do with the Ferris Wheel. Earlier Jungkook had asked everyone except Hoseok to refuse your offer to ride with her and Jimin. Yoongi didn't know why but went along with it anyway since he wasn't planning on going in the first place.

A soft snore escaped your lips, you were fast asleep. Yoongi looked back at you wondering how anyone could fall asleep on someone's back especially while walking. He later shook his head realizing he wasn't one to talk. He too could fall asleep anywhere at anytime.

You opened your eyes and realized someone was placing you in a car. Your first thought was that you were being kidnapped and was about to freak out but a familiar face stopped you. It was Jungkook, he tried to move you without waking you up but it was impossible.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," He said rubbing the back of his neck. You smiled tiredly at him.

"It's okay, no need to apologize." You said as you rubbed your eyes. He nodded and was about to close the door but a hand stopped him.

"Hyung?" Jungkook asked surprised to see the man standing there. It was Hoseok. He thought he was in the car with Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi which had already left. "Why didn't you go with the others?"

"I wanted to ride with (name)," He said happily.

"oh okay," Jungkook said moving out of the way so that Hoseok could get in. He mouthed something to Jimin who nodded before taking his place in the driver's seat.

You had to move over to the middle seat to make room so now you were sandwiched in between Jimin and Hoseok. You looked over at Jimin. He was looking out the window so he didn't notice your eyes on him. You've noticed that he has been sticking abnormally close to you all day and there was also that question he asked you earlier. You shook your head chalking it up to just Jimin being himself. You didn't have the energy to think too deeply into it.

The ballad version of 'Run' was playing on the radio. The melodic sounds of the boy's voices were putting you to sleep. You tried to fight the urge wanting to wait till you were at home but you found yourself slowly losing consciousness.

Jimin felt a small weight on his shoulder. He turned around to see that you had fallen asleep on him. He smiled and looked back out the window.

Hoseok saw your head fall on Jimin's shoulder but he didn't care nor mind it. His attention switched to your phone which just made a noise. Curious, hoseok carefully took your phone trying his best not to wake you up in the process. He knew that it was an invasion of privacy to look through someone's phone without them knowing but he also knew that you wouldn't care.

The noise was a notification of a text from your boss. He decided to leave it be so that you could look at it later. Not knowing what else to do with your phone he decided to take a bunch of selfies. Jimin and Taehyung also joined in the sudden photoshoot. He took several photos before placing your phone back where it was a second before the car stopped in front of your apartment building.

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