Chapter 3

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You were almost back to the entrance gate when you noticed Hoseok dragging behind everyone and looked to be lost in thought. You thought now was the perfect time to talk to him about his behavior today so you slowed down letting the others go ahead of you.

"Hey, Hobi!" You said loudly making him look at you.

"Hey, (Name)!" He responded just as loud giving you a smile. You stared at him before grabbing his face gently and pulling him down closer to your eye level. "(Name) what are you-"

Before he could finish his sentence you brought your forehead closer to his to test his temperature. He was a bit hot but not enough for you to think there was anything wrong health wise. When you let go and pulled away, he quickly looked away hiding his face from you.

"You've been quiet all day so I thought maybe you were sick and not telling anyone," You said explaining your action just now.

"I'm not sick, Just tired." He responded smiling at you showing that he was perfectly fine. You looked in his eyes for a second before nodding understandingly. You could tell he was lying but didn't want to press the issue. Whatever was on his mind he'd tell you when he was ready. At least you believed so.

"Alright well then, Please be yourself okay? Being quiet doesn't suit you, Hobi."

"I will sorry for worrying you (name)," He said. You smiled before running up to Jimin who was calling your name. Hoseok smile faded seeing you walk away. He wished you could have stayed and talked to him longer but knew he couldn't keep you from the other members as much as he wished he could.

While you were busy talking to Hoseok the others, mainly the maknae line, stopped at a game booth. Apparently, Jimin had won because he was holding a huge stuffed toy which was almost as big as he was.

"Aww, Jimin it's your height!" You teased.

"(Name) please..." Jimin responded having enough of everyone's jokes about his height. Especially from you considering that he was taller than you. You laughed patting his shoulder.

"Sorry, Sorry," You apologized. "What did you want?"

"I wanted you to have this." He said holding the stuffed toy out to you. Your eyes went wide.

"I can't Jimin." You said shaking your head as you pushed the toy back towards him. "You won that so keep it."

He laughed holding the toy back towards you again.

"I have no use for this," He said. "Besides where am I going to keep him?"

He was right, they had a dorm but probably had no room for a silly stuffed toy like this. You sighed accepting the gift. Although you were teasing Jimin earlier the stuffed toy WAS as big as you were. Jimin wanted to laugh at the cute sight but held back knowing, judging from the display in the boxing ring with Namjoon, you'd kick his ass if he mocked your height.

"Thanks, Jimin!" You said smiling. Jimin couldn't help but smile back at you.

Hoseok looked at the scene of you and Jimin and felt a slight anger. You two looked like a couple on a date and honestly was making him sick. He wanted to walk away so he didn't have to witness this anymore but didn't want to worry you more than he already had. Instead, he pushed between you two driving you apart almost knocking the toy out of your hands.

"Why don't we eat here?" He asked with a smile pointing at a row of food stands. It wasn't the healthiest option but it was better than trying to find a place to eat elsewhere.

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