Chapter 5 *Finale*

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Upon entering your house you fell right into your bed not even bothering to change out of your clothes. You found yourself asleep mere seconds after making contact with your pillow. Several minutes passed before you were rudely awakened by your phone vibrating again.

"Aish!" You grumbled grabbing your phone. You looked at the phone seeing a text from Jimin. "Second time today being awoken by these boys."

Noona! Hobi-hyung is on his way there. Just thought I'd let you know. –ChimChim

You immediately sat up still staring at the text.

"Hobi? Why is he coming back?" You asked to yourself. You were about to text Jimin back but another text window popped up. You looked and saw that it was Hobi this time.

I have something to tell you. I will be there soon- Ihatesnakeu(Hobi)

"What does he have to tell me?" You asked trying to keep from laughing at the contact name you had for Hoseok. You quickly got up and fixed your hair which was all over your head again at this point. A minute barely passed before there was a knock on your door. You walked to the door and opened it to reveal an out of breath Hoseok stand there.

"Did you run here?" You asked the sweaty man before you. He nodded trying to catch his breath.

"It...was not far," he breathed.

"Hobi, your dorm is at least 2 miles away...." You sighed as you ushered him inside and over to a couch to catch his breath. "Why didn't you take a car or something?"

"I dance all the time I thought running 2 miles wouldn't be that bad."

"Aish! Even for a dancer running that far is too much!" You scolded him. He laughed and looked at you.

"I know that now..."

You waited for the man to catch his breath before talking again, "So what did you want to tell me?"

"remember earlier when I told you the reason I wasn't really myself today was because I was tired?" He asked. You nodded your head signaling him to continue. "That wasn't true..."

"Is that so..." You said slowly. Thinking you were mad Hoseok started panicking.

"Please don't be mad okay?"

"Hobi..." You said trying to calm him down. Hoseok didn't hear you however and continued babbling. "HOSEOK!"

Hoseok jumped at the loudness of your voice. You tried so hard not to laugh at his reaction. It was real easy to frighten the man but you love that part of him.

"I'm not mad at you," You said. "Just a bit disappointed that you felt the need to lie to me but I'm not mad."

"Really?" He asked starting to relax a bit. You nodded.

"You did it for a reason," You said smiling at him. "No point in being mad at that."

"You're amazing, do you know that?"

You did yoongi's signature shrug.

"I try," You said jokingly. You stopped shrugging and looked at Hoseok making eye contact.

Hoseok looked down at your lips and back at your eyes. He knew that it probably wasn't the best idea since he hasn't even confessed to you yet but he wanted to kiss you so badly. Giving in to his urges he started leaning in. He braced himself for you to push him away but you didn't. Caught in the moment you started leaning in as well. Your lips contacted and it felt amazing. Hoseok kissed you passionately yet gentle. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he pushed you down on the sofa so he was now on top of you. You were brought back into your senses when you felt his cold hands on your bare stomach under your shirt.

You quickly pushed him away and got up going to the opposite side of the room.

"Shit, I'm sorry (Name)!" Hoseok apologized after realizing what he just did. Your cheeks were turning a shade of red causing him to hang his head in shame thinking your face was turning red with anger. He only wanted to confess his feelings for you and leave knowing you didn't feel the same way not have a full on make-out session on your couch.

"It's okay," You said softly as you looked out the window.

"No, it's not okay," Hoseok said shaking his head. "Please don't excuse this like you did with the little lie I said at the carnival. It was wrong for me to do and I shouldn't have forced you to kiss me."

"I kissed you back," You admitted looking back at Hoseok. "You didn't force me to do anything."

He stayed silent. You walked over and sat in your original spot on the couch.

"I'm guessing that kiss has something to do with what you wanted to tell me?" You asked after several seconds of silence. Hoseok nodded.

"Not the way I wanted to tell you but," Hoseok paused and took a deep breath. "I like you."

"I like you too."

"It's okay if you don't like me but please don't let this ruin our fri-," Hoseok paused and looked at you realizing what you said. "Wait, what?"

"I said that I like you too," You said smiling.


"I wouldn't have kissed you back if I didn't," You explained. "I'm not that type of woman."

Hoseok nodded agreeing with you.

"So does that mean we're dating now?" He asked.

"If you don't mind an awkward, rambling mess for a girlfriend then sure." You said jokingly.

"I happen to like that about you!" He said playing along. You laughed and pecked his lips.

"As much as I'd love for you to stay," You said standing up. "You should probably get back to the dorm."

"You're right," He said standing up as well. You walked with hoseok to the door and opened it. Before walking out He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him.

"Watcha doing?" You asked smiling up at him.

"Just this," He said then kissed you. He pulled away before you knew that the kiss was happening and walked to the door. You smiled as you watched your now boyfriend dance down the hallway his eyes never leaving yours.

"Back to normal, I see," You said to yourself. You waited till Hoseok was no longer in sight before walking back into your apartment.

As soon as you walked into your room you noticed your phone blinking. You picked it up and saw multiple phone calls from Namjoon. Wondering why he was calling you so many times you called him back.

"Finally you answered your phone!" Namjoon said as soon as the line connected. "Where were you?"

"I was talking to Hobi and my phone was in my room," You explained. "Is everything okay?"

You were worried. Namjoon never called more than twice even if you didn't answer the phone either times. Something must be wrong for him to call so many times. There was also the fact that he sounded completely nervous.

"Oh good, so he's there?" He asked.

"He just left," You said looking at the direction of your door.

"Damn, I guess he'll find out when he gets here."

"Find out what?" You asked curiously.

"Check your email ..." He only said not explaining anything. You sighed and opened up your laptop going straight to your email. The only thing in the email was a link so you clicked it going to the site. You scrolled down and nearly dropped your phone in shock of what you saw.



Finished! Ha I know this ends weird buuuut that was on purpose because there will be another book following the events of this. I'm not sure when it will be posted because I have other fanfics to give my attention to right now and I wanted to get a bit written before posting it but look forward to it! Anyway I hope you like this short story.

Bye! <3


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