(Modern) Band AU

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James, Remus, Sirius, and Peter are in the popular British band The Vamps. In this fic, James is Brad, Sirius is James, Peter is Connor, and Remus is Tristan. Lily's friends are their biggest fans and she's never heard of them before.

"Come on, Lily! Please come. It will be so boring without you," My best friend, Marlene, complains for the fifth time tonight.

"Mar, you know that I've never enjoyed concerts," She opens her mouth to interrupt but I don't let her. "Even private concerts."

"Please? I really want to introduce you to Sirius," She says as a knock sounds at the front door of our apartment.

I ignore her pleas as I make my way to the door and let in our friends, Alice, Frank, and Hestia.

"Who's ready to party?" Hestia yells with a grin.

"Not me," I grin back.

"Me neither," Frank says with a groan.

I give him a sympathetic smile. Alice is forcing him to go as their sober driver.

"I'll buy you McDonald's afterwards?" Marlene offers.

"As much as I like?" I smirk. I do love my McDonald's.

She sighs, "Fine."

I let out a squeal of excitement and run to grab my coat. What can I say? I'll do anything for food.

"Meet us in the car, Lils!" Alice yells from the other end of the apartment before I hear the front door close.

Once I get to the car I pull out my phone to cancel my Nandos order.

"Who are we going to see? I wasn't listening when Marlene was busy fangirling this afternoon." I say while sliding my phone into the back pocket of my jeans.

"The Vamps. AKA, the hottest band ever!" Hestia squeals as I grimace.

I have nothing against their music, it's the members that I have a problem with. We all went to high school together and let's just say that we didn't get along very well. Don't even get me started about James. Once we get to the club that they're playing at, I rush straight for the bar. I've discovered that alcohol always helps when dealing with the four idiots that are currently doing a sound check.

"Sirius!" I hear Marlene yell in a high pitched voice.

"Hey babe. Great to see you." 

I turn away as they lean in to lock lips. I haven't even downed my first shot when I hear James Potter's voice calling my name.

"Lily! Hey, I didn't know you were coming." 

I quickly swallow my shot and turn to face him with a forced smile, "James. Good to see you again. When was it last? University just before you dropped out, right?"

The mention of university reminds me of that night before he dropped out.

He rolls his eyes, "Of course Miss Education Evans would bring up that I dropped out before the first semester ended. Anyway, what are you doing here?"

I grin, "Marlene bribed me with food."

"Of course she did." He turns back to the small stage where his band mates and Marlene are. "Well, I should be getting back."

"Yeah, I guess. Good to see you." I smile through another shot.

"Easy on the alcohol. In my experience, fast food and alcohol don't mix until it's hangover time."

"Note taken."

I watch as he wanders back to his friends. They all turn to him and I assume that he's talking.

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