Supermarket Flowers

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A/n: I'm gonna do a thing sometimes for my one shots from now on where I suggest a song that suits the chapter. Occasionally, there may be more than one song suggestion. This chapter's song is Ed Sheeran's Supermarket Flowers.

Lily Evans climbed into the Gryffindor common room through the fat lady's portrait and looked around. Still no James or Sirius. She furrowed her eyebrows before walking over to Remus and placing her books on the desk next to his.

"Have you seen either of them today?" She asked him while she sat down.

"No, they're still hiding upstairs or somewhere in the castle," Remus said. "Do you know another use for aconite?"

Lily looked over his shoulder at the potions homework and scanned his answers. "You forgot wolfsbane potion."

"What? Seriously?" He looked down, alarmed.

Lily let out a laugh and opened her own potions book. Before she could pull out her quill though, she spotted Sirius coming down the stairs. He spotted her too and made his way to the desk.

"Did Remus tell you?" He asked her.

Lily looked to Remus and nodded solemnly, "I'm sorry for both of you. I know what James' mother meant to you."

Sirius nodded once before pulling Lily up into a hug. She hesitated before wrapping her arms around the boy, who was now crying into her shoulder. Remus stood too and enveloped the pair in his arms. Sirius stepped out of their embraces after a couple of minutes and wiped his eyes.

"Lily, I know that James doesn't want you to go and that you don't like him, but please come to the funeral. He doesn't know it, but he needs you to be there." Sirius looked at her with pleading eyes and she knew she wouldn't be able to say no.


Lily smoothed down her black dress and closed the car door behind her.

"Thanks, Dad. I'll find my own way home. Bye," she said and waved him off.

Marlene greeted Lily at the door to the church and guided her to James. He was sitting with Sirius in the front pew. He looked around when he heard the door close behind them and saw Lily walking towards him. James got to his feet and stepped into the aisle, ready to confront her for showing up without being invited. When she reached him though, he took one look into her eyes and burst into tears. Lily pulled him down to her and buried her face in his neck. His sobs were too strong though, and she was supporting his weight, so she guided him to the ground and knelt on the dusty, maroon carpet. She rubbed her hand up and down his back and shushed him softly.

"You better not cry next time Evans is walking down an aisle towards you, Prongs," Sirius joked with a tear-streaked face.

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