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Lily and Severus End of Friendship AU

Severus glares at me and I can't help but shrink back from him.

"Sev, why are you acting like this? You're starting to scare me," I say while looking around to make sure there are others near us.

"Oh don't pretend that you don't know, Evans. Since when have you been chummy with Potter and his band of idiots? I thought we agreed together that we hated them. Maybe I was imagining things. But then, Potter would have a lot to say about me imagining things, wouldn't he?" I raise my eyebrows in confusion as he speaks. "Oh, don't act so innocent, Evans. I've heard you laughing about me with them. Calling me Snivellus. Talking about how I'm in Slytherin."

"I would never! I swear! You're my best friend! You're like a brother to me!" I manage to yell through my fear.

Before he can reply I see the marauders making their way towards us.

"Everything okay, Lily?" Remus asks sceptically.

I nod and refocus my attention to the ground. I hear Severus scoff and a rush of fabric: someone pulled out their wand.

I look up as Severus starts speaking again. "I was just telling Lily here how much of a traitor she is. Turning her back on those with only her best interests at heart. Tut tut. She's not worthy of that prefect badge." He smirks at me.

I can see James' face going red and his hands clench into fists. Sirius and Remus notice and grab his arms to hold him back.

"Oh look here, Evans! You need your ickle Gryffindor boyfriend to defend your honour. What's the matter? Busy being a filthy little mudblood?" He teases cruelly.

Before I, or anyone else can do anything, Remus and Sirius let go of James and rush towards Severus with their fists raised. I let out a yelp and rush forwards. Before I can interfere though, James grabs me and pulls me away.

"Don't bother. He deserves this and this will probably hurt your prefect reputation," he says as he turns me to face him.

"What about Remus? He's a prefect too."

James glances over my shoulder at them before saying, "He knows what he's doing, Lily. He wouldn't have done this if he didn't know the consequences."

I nod and try to look over my shoulder but James jerks me to face him again. "Don't," He warns.

I nod again, but reach for my wand. I quickly pull it out of my robes and point it at James. "Petrificus totalus."

He straightens up and falls to the ground, completely solid.

"Sorry," I whisper.

I turn and head for the ball-like shape that is the fighting boys. Severus obviously hasn't been able to get to his wand because Sirius, Remus, and now Peter, are still using muggle fighting methods on him.

"Immobulus." I shout as I point my wand at them.

I watch as their actions stop and they fall limply on to Severus. I reach forward and pull Sirius, then Remus and Peter away from Severus.

"You are a foul, loathsome, evil, little cockroach, Snivellus," I growl.

I start to walk away, muttering the counter-jinxes as I reach the edge of the courtyard.

"Don't think I'm done with you, Evans!" Severus yells, causing me to turn around and step towards him slightly. "How about we find out how you really feel about your little marauders? Let's find out how much you've lied to me. Legilimens!"

I hear myself let out a scream as he enters my mind. I start to hear all my thoughts about the marauders and I can feel the elated feeling I get whenever I'm with them. I feel the uncertainty I first felt towards Peter; the wonderful feeling of belonging; my disgust for Sirius' jokes. Then I'm hit with all the mixed emotions, feelings, and thoughts that have accompanied my friendship with James.

"ARGH!" I'm pulled out of my mind by a sudden drawback, and find myself falling on to my knees.

I open my eyes and see Severus has fallen over. I absentmindedly rub my wrist where a slight burning has broken out on the skin. Severus is glowering at me and I can see James carefully moving towards me. Remus and Sirius are helping Peter get up.

"Lily Evans! That was some show! And look here," Severus jeers as James kneels at my side and wraps his arms around my shaking shoulders. "Here he is, James Potter. What do you think, Lily? Should I tell him or do you want to do the honour?"

James looks down at me questioningly, "What's he talking about?" But I can't answer: my tongue feels like it's five times bigger.

"Okay, I guess it'll be me. James, Lily here is in love with you. Of course she's too thick with that mudblood brain of hers to have realised it herself."

I feel my face flush, but luckily James isn't looking at me. He's glaring at Severus. James doesn't have time to react though, as McGonagall is rushing across the courtyard.

"Stop this nonsense at once! Fifty points from Gryffindor! Ten points from Slytherin!" She shouts at us. "And two weeks detention for all of you! And for heaven's sake, Miss Evans, stand up and stop shaking. It is not cold."

Sirius stands and puts on a smirk as he walks towards her. Remus speaks before Sirius can get us into more trouble.

"But Professor, Severus was using Legilimency on Lily. After calling her a mudblood - twice." He adds.

"Twenty points from Slytherin. The decision to expel you or not does not lie with me, but I will be informing your head of house of the events that have taken place," she says to Severus, then turns to me. "Miss Evans follow me."

James helps me stand and leads me over to McGonagall.

"Thank you, Potter you may leave." But he makes no move to leave. "Fine, follow if you must."

She leads us to her office and gestures for me to sit.

"Have a biscuit, Miss Evans. Now tell me what happened."

"Okay, well, Sev- Severus and I were arguing. Then James and the others showed up. Severus called me a- a mudblood after insulting James. Then Remus and Sirius starting punching him. Then I used petrificus totalus on James. Then I used immobulus on the others. And then Severus used Legilimency on me. Afterwards he told James that I..." I drift off, suddenly feeling awkward again.

"The Slytherin head of house will be informed of this. Have another biscuit. You may go," she says as she holds the biscuit tin out for me and I reluctantly grab one.

James helps me up and pauses when we reach the door. "Can I give you a piggyback to the common room?"

I let a grin break out on my face and nod. He bends down slightly so that I have access to his back. I wrap my arms around his neck and look past his head as he starts running. The breeze created by running causes his hair to blow into my face. I hear him yell the password to Gryffindor Tower and he comes to an abrupt halt, which makes me smack my face on the back of his head.

"No running in the corridors," I giggle to James. "I might have to give you detention."

"Or, you could go to Hogsmeade with me?" He asks seriously.

I stop giggling. I thought he was past this. What Severus said must've changed his mind.

"Just as friends, if you like," he adds.

"Um, yeah. Okay. I guess I'll go tell my friends that I'm not going with them," I step past him and scramble through the hole. "And stop staring at my bum!"

He just chuckles. Tosser.

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