Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon

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I wake up to a pair of lips tickling my neck.

"James," I groan sleepily.

"Good morning Lily-flower."

I frown but keep my eyes closed. James wraps his arms tighter around my stomach.

"Lily, wake up. There are classes today," He whispers in my ear.

"Just skip them," I groan into my pillow.

"Lily get up."

He pulls away from me and I feel the bed lift as his weight leaves the bed. I sit up with a scowl.

"Fine. What's the time?" I ask, throwing the bed sheets away from me.

James sticks his head around the door and looks down into the head's common room, "Almost quarter to nine."

I quickly run to my wardrobe, yelling, "James! Why didn't you wake me? Get out! I have to get dressed! I'm so late for breakfast!"

"Lily, calm down," he comes over to me and places his hands on my shoulders. "I'll go get us some food, then if you're late to class, just tell the professor that you weren't feeling well and slept in a little bit."

I stop rushing while he talks, then something hits me, "Why were you in my room? I was alone when I went to sleep."

James suddenly looks very sheepish and steps back, "Uh..."

"And, you and I both know why we don't usually sleep together. I never wake up if you're around."

"Oh look! It's ten to nine, I better go get some food," he says while backing towards the door.

"Nope. We'll skip first period if we have to. If you answer me, then we might make it to second," I pick my wand up from the bedside table and point it at the door. "Colloportus."

The door closes and locks itself. James visibly gulps and backs away from me.

"I notice that you don't have your wand, Potter. Care to tell me why you were in here?" I grin while fiddling with my wand.

"I wanted to sleep with my girlfriend?" He says, but it comes out as more of a question than a statement.

"But, you know the rules that we put in place to make sure we were never late to anything." I wave my wand lazily in his general direction.

"Okay! Please don't hex me! I was in here because I haven't seen you enough recently. I always have quidditch practice. You're always studying. I actually come in here most nights, but usually I'm out of the room before seven so that you can wake up on time. I just slept in today and I haven't seen you so I just thought that I'd cuddle with you for a bit," he takes a deep breathe and widens his eyes at me.

I stop twirling my wand around and raise an eyebrow, "Is that it? Honestly, James Potter, you are such a disappointment sometimes."

James blinks and his mouth falls open slightly, "What?"

"I was expecting something bigger. More James Marauder Potter than James boyfriend Potter," I sigh dramatically. "Well, if that's all, then if we run we can probably make it to first period. Alohomora," I unlock the door.

I reach into my wardrobe and pull out my robes. I pull my skirt over my pajama shorts and leave James' quidditch shirt on, not bothering with my blouse. I put on my robes and make my way downstairs, leaving a very confused James upstairs.

"You don't want detention do you?" I call with a grin.

I hear him running down the stairs and he grabs his robes from the chair in the corner before throwing it over his pajamas. He grabs my hand and drags me through the door, down the hallways, and to our first class- potions.

We're on time, but get detention anyway for not having the correct uniform.

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