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"James! Stop it!" I can't help but laugh as the feather chases me around the common room.

"I can't possibly do that, love." He continues pointing his wand in my direction.

I glare through my laughs and try to grab my wand from my pajama pants. Before I can free it from my waistband, the feather is at my hand, tickling me away from my wand.

I let out a squeal and dart away again. James is laughing too now, although at me not because a feather is chasing him.

I take his slight distraction as the chance to run at him and tackle him to the ground. I reach for his wand, but he lifts it above his head so that I can't get to it.

"This is a good angle for you, Lils." He smirks.

"Yeah well don't get used to it," I say before clambering over him to grab his wand.

Just as I'm about to grab it, Remus and Peter walk in. We all freeze. Well, except James, of course, who smirks. The tosser.

"Are we interrupting something?" Remus raises an eyebrow.

"Prongs, this is a common room. It is common for people to come in here." Peter chuckles a little bit.

I roll of off James after retrieving control of my body. I think better of leaving him with his wand and snatch it from his hand.

"Hey!" He protests, struggling to get up.

I toss his wand across the room and smirk. "What's the matter, Prongs? Defenceless without your wand?" I tease.

"Sorry, Lils you know the rule. Only Marauders can use the secret names." He teases back. "And, for your information, I am not completely defenceless. I can still do this."

He steps towards me and pushes his mouth into mine. My eyes drift closed and I melt under his touch.

He steps away and my eyes drift open again. He's holding my wand up proudly. Peter's clapping is silenced by my death glare.

"Accio." He points my wand at his and catches it with ease. "Now, Lily. You have no wand. There are now three Marauders in this room. And there are plenty more feathers lying around. What are you going to do?"

Before they can do anything I race up the stairs to the girls' dorms and slam my room's door behind me.

Jily one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now