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Did you guys guess it?
Yup...I'm sick 🤒😷
My brother got it Thursday (I think and spread it to the whole fam)
I started off with a sore throat (randomly) on Sunday. Then later on that night, I start to cough and that made my throat even worse.
I took a 3 hour nap, hopping it would go away...nope. It got worse.
Towards midnight, my throat was killing me. I made this homemade remedy that soothes the throat and it worked....for an hour. 30 minutes later I start to feel a bit queasy. When I was getting tired and tried to lay down, I got really nausous.
I was up for three hours hopping the nausea would go away. I even ate 2 saltine crackets. It didn't help. I woke my mom up (she's a nurse) and she told me to take some of my anti-nausea pills from earlier this year. I took one, almost threw up.
Flash foward towards 4:30 A.M. I was exhausted and weak. I was still very nauseous. I managed to take a nap...only to wake up and dash towards the toliet...it wasn't a pretty sight. I'll spare the details. I threw up..3 times. I had to take a shower and wash my pjs and bathmat in the washer.
5:30 A.M. and I still couldn't sleep. I still felt nausous. My cat made sure to steer clear from me lol. I didn't end up sleeping until 6:30-45 A.M. when my dad left for work.
I woke up at 11:38 A.M. with my mom telling me to take meds and that she already made an appointment for me the following in the morning (today). I took naps throughout the day. I was out of it and felt weak and sick. I had nasal drainage and coughing. Luckliy, I was't nausous.
Today, I had my appointment at 9:30 A.M. with my mom (she got sick yesterday too, but not as bad as me). We both ended up getting 2 shots in the rear (oh how much I hate shots and needles) and meds.
I felt better after the shots. But, since this was my 2nd time going to this doctor, and the last time was my physical. I had to pee in a cup because I couldn't last time.
It was embarrassing! I drank a lot of water and nothing! My mom tells me my bladder can't pee at command and under pressure...I agree. I ended up taking the specimen cup with the biogazard baggie. It was shoved in my winter peacoat while my mom, sister, and I ate at McDonalds since we hadn't had breakfast and I really needed to drink more fluids.
About an hour later I was finally able to pee in the dam cup!! Jeesh it was so embarrassing.
Then we went to get some last minute things from Walmart as my mom got her car's oil change done. Got 3 new dresses from Ross for church and the holidays🙊
Once we arrived home, we went straight to eating some homemade caldo my dad made the other day. It was yummy.
After that, and pretty much for the rest of the day, I was making my cousin's diy christmas gifts. :)