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Yeah today was a boring day. Chores and errands for me! Went to Target to get my mom and dad last minute gifts. hoorayyy
Then I took a good 2 hour nap bc why not. I cuddled with my kitty.
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Talking about kitty, I made an instagram account for him😂😂 I'll see if I can get a vid of him boxing soon on there.
Yup, you read that correctly. My cat boxes😂 My mom started it by accident. She was just playing with him and suddenly he started to box. He'll curl his paw into "fists" and he can punch pretty hard.
He even punched my sister in the eye😂😂
SO his account on insta is: lucasxcat
I know very original. All the other creative and cool names were "taken"
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anyways, currently I am typing this up on my phone with a mud mask on...it's something.
I have never done a mask before and it feels weird. My timer just went off so brb.
*time skip because you don't want to know about the basic details of washing your face*
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*another time skip cuz I forgot to come back on oops*
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Um, as of now I'm packing my luggage. Might be leaving tomorrrow to visit fam for Christmas so im excited yay!!!
Okay, this entry was very awkward sorry 'bout that.
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