Chapter 1

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Greetings! So, this is my first time upload.. and to be frank, i am uploading a  story I wrote four or three years ago when I was twelve and OBSESSED with twilight.. now I'm just 'meh' about it all.

But, wait! Before you sigh and click somewhere else, because you hate Edward Cullen, i SWEAR that he's hardly in here. This story is centred around the wolfpack of La Push.

A little warning, the first few chapters may be a little 'meh', but this was the first stages of my writing, and believe me, i've gotten better. :D

 Besides, it took me two years to finish it, and trust me, it gets waaaay better as the chapters go on.

Might i suggest reading a little bit of chapter 10 (Violet's POV) for a hint of the action involved... despite the spoilers! hahaha,  ;) 

Anywhoo, comment, rate and do whatever else!


Love & Rockets,


P.S; Dedicated to KarinNicoleFarris for making me feel like this story is worth the time. :D



Chapter 1: (Seth's POV) 

“Hey kiddo” Paul said as he rubbed the top of my skull quite roughly.

“Hey” I replied as I smoothed down the area where Paul had messed up my hair.

He sat down beside me at the table, as Embry and Quil followed behind. Embry jabbed Quil in the ribs as they both sat down at the table.

“Hey, where’s your sister?” Paul asked. He seemed to spit out the word ‘sister.’

I shrugged. “I don’t know where she goes these days.”

This was true; Leah seemed to be distant after everything that has happened. She would come back to La Push now and then to check up on me and mom. All I know is that she goes to some community college somewhere.

Emily was cooking at the stove; smelt like bacon and eggs. It was morning and I had just woken up from my shift. Running perimeters really took it out of me.

Sam walked into the little kitchen and planted a kiss on Emily’s cheek, then joined us at the table. It seemed like everything was normal, except the one person who was missing.


Now that he had imprinted on Renesmee, he was over at the Cullen’s twenty-four seven. Jared was also busy with Kim; which is why I guess he wasn’t here for breakfast.

It seemed like everyone was imprinting now; Jared, Quil, Sam, Paul and now Jacob. Even though I wasn’t the only one left, I was still feeling the pressure.

I had never imprinted yet, and it hit me now. I wondered vaguely how it happens. I’ve seen it in Jacob’s head, when he thinks about the first time he saw Renesmee and he was drawn to her.

Will I feel it when I find her? Will she be drawn to me? Well of course she would be; its fate.

I shook my head trying to get the ridiculous thoughts out of my head.

“Hey, you hear about that new diner that just opened up?” Quil asked as he helped himself to some toast which Emily set on the table.

“Sure, it’s called Brown’s Diner” Embry replied as he too began to eat.

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