Chapter 2

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I could feel excitement and relief bundle up inside of me, until I felt it would burst out of my mouth. 

I looked back towards Violet and watched as the burly man spoke to her. I listened in their conversation.

“…I tell you what to do, and what I say goes” the man said in a deep voice.

“But I’ve already scrubbed the floors twice and done the dishes, what else more is there to do?” Violet replied.

“Well, there are more dishes to be washed in there, so go now and wash them! They aren’t gonna clean themselves you know” the man said, anger rising in his voice.

“I thought I could help out since I finished washing the dishes. Can’t I do something else?” she asked, desperately.

“No, I am in charge here, and I tell you what to do! And I’m telling you to go wash the dishes!” he shouted, pointing towards the back of the counter.

“I’m so sick of this” Violet muttered.

“If, you don’t go now, I’m gonna—”

“What? Fire me? Like that’ll happen,” she spat back.

“So, go on, walk out that door if you’re sick of this” the burly man said.

Violet took one look at him then stormed out of the diner. I stood up and stared out the window as I watched her rip her uniform and apron off and throw it to the ground.

She walked by the window I was sitting at, her eyes staring hard at the ground.

An invisible thread was tugging me towards her, and I gave in to it.

I stood up.

“I’m going out for some fresh air” I babbled as I shot out the door.

The cool breeze was chilly as it swept through the town. I picked up the uniform which lay on the gravel. I looked around, but couldn’t see her, so I turned to my other senses.

I listened in for the musical heart and found it. It thumped fast as I followed it to the back of the diner where I found her.

Behind the diner there was a small area, where there were a few picnic benches, sitting at one of them was her; Violet.

She sat with her head on the table, her arms flat underneath them. She was wearing a long sleeved shirt, and I could see her arms quivering in the cold.

I walked silently towards her; the wind seemed to push me in her direction.

It was as if all the elements were helping me out. I was grateful, for I was unexperienced.

I walked towards her, keeping myself under control and taming the feeling of running head long.

When I finally got to her table, I stood there nervously.

Her head was still in her arms, her breathing was slow but her heartbeat was fast.

“Are you okay?” I managed to choke.

Her head snapped up in surprise as she stared at me.

“Sorry,” I said weakly.

She took a deep breath. “No, it’s okay. You just…scared me” she replied as she relaxed. She had a tired expression on her face, like she had had enough of everything. Her hazel eyes were glassy as she stared hard at her hands.  

I took a deep breath nervously. I sat down at the table.

“You, um, dropped these” I said as I lay the uniform before her.

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