Chapter 18: Part 2

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Seth's POV:

I looked horrified. “Can’t you just, hold it in?!” I breathed.

She suddenly grabbed me by the scruff of my neck. “Sure, Seth let me just suck him back in, just for you” she breathed through gritted teeth.

“Wow, you’re strong,” I said looking surprised.

She gasped in anguish as she let me go.

“This is your fault Seth!” she gasped as she clenched her teeth.

I reeled back in shock.

She cried out in pain. “I hate you Seth, I hate you for this!”

I knew she was just hysterical, so none of her words touched me. I held her hand and she squeezed it tight.

“I’m here for you Violet,” I said.

“I’m gonna kill you for getting me pregnant,” she gasped.

Her gasps soon turned to sobs.

“Don’t cry,” I said.

She wailed. “Those words led to ‘this!’” she said pointing to her stomach.

I closed my mouth, knowing she was in a sensitive state and shouldn’t say anything about what happened.  

“Seth,” she gasped closing her eyes and opening them.

“I’m here Violet, I’m here,” I said squeezing her hand.

She gripped on tightly, and I could feel the blood vessels in my hand throb.

“I’m sorry, I don’t hate you. I don’t blame you, just don’t leave me Seth, don’t leave,” she begged between gasps.

“I won’t leave,” I replied, “Look, I’m right here, I’m right next to you, holding your hand. If you ever feel afraid, just hold tight to my hand.”

She nodded. “Okay.”

I swallowed my fear. I had to be here for her. I had to stay calm. If she saw me panicking, this would all go sour. Okay, the baby was coming, and there was no time to get her to the hospital, or wait for help. I had to take the reins here.

I proceeded to let go of her hand to deliver the baby, until her grip tightened. Her heart was racing, I could hear it.

“What do you think you’re doing? You said you wouldn’t let go of my hand?!” she jabbered in alarm.

I breathed out. “Violet, I want you to give a big push, okay?”

She looked at me with a horrified expression on her face.


I gave her a reassuring look. “Violet, just push, alright?”

“No, Seth. You’re not delivering this baby,” she gasped.

“I have to, there’s no time!” I replied, surprised at her hesitation.

“Seth! You’re not a doctor!” she shouted, before crying out in pain again.

“I have to,” I said.

But, really I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to, but I had to. Before I could let go of her hand, the bedroom door was suddenly busted down. It lay on one side of the room in half.

We both looked in disbelief as Alice and Carlisle stood in the doorway.

“Sorry about the door,” Alice said quickly, before Carlisle rushed in.

I breathed out in relief, glad not to have to deliver the baby myself.

“Okay, Violet, how are you feeling?” Carlisle said in a calm voice.

“It hurts,” Violet breathed.

Carlisle chuckled. “Okay, everything’s gonna be alright, the baby doesn’t seem to be that far away.” He moved into position at the foot of the bed. “Okay, Violet, I want you to push, and push hard.”

She tried a few little pushes, before she began to cry. “I can’t, I can’t do it.”

I could hear her heart beat becoming uneven, weak.

“Come on Violet, you can do it,” Carlisle said.

“No, I can’t” she replied as she broke down in tears.

“Violet, look at me,” I said. Her eyes shifted to me. “Violet, see our hands here?” I said gesturing to our bound hands, “I’m passing my strength onto you; can you feel it?”

She closed her eyes. “Yes,” she gasped.

“Okay, Violet, now use that strength, use it,” I whispered in her ear.

She tried again.

“Well done Violet, just a few more now,” Carlisle said with a smile on his face.

She gripped onto my hand and I really could feel my strength flowing into her. The unbreakable bond of imprinting began to tighten. I could feel the threads of enchantment and force wound itself around us. Her heart pounded loudly in my ears with newfound strength.  

Alice, who was standing on the other side of the bed, felt her forehead.

“She’s heating up,” she said as her cool fingers stroked Violet’s forehead.

I kept my eyes on Violet; doing my job of giving her my strength. Everything around me was just a blur. Carlisle’s encouraging words to Violet sounded distant as I focused.

The sudden cry of a baby broke my focus. It was a beautiful sound, like nothing I had ever heard.

“It’s a boy,” Carlisle said.

“You did it Violet, you did it!” I said with joy as I kissed her on the forehead.

She looked exhausted, near to unconsciousness. She managed to smile. “My baby,” she whispered.

Carlisle handed the baby to Alice, who wrapped it in sheets. Alice walked towards me, and offered me the little bundle.

I graciously took it, being very careful. The first thing I saw was his beautiful hazel eyes. Just like Violet’s. They stared at me. I felt tears flow down my cheeks.

“So, who does he look like?” Violet whispered beside me.

I smiled. “See for yourself,” I said as I gently handed her the baby.

She cradled him in his arms, tears escaping her eyes. “He’s so…beautiful. My Gabriel…”

Her half-opened eyes slipped shut, her last breath used to breathe his name.

I smiled. Gabriel was a perfect name for him. I watched as she closed her eyes for a short moment.

She breathed out slowly in respite, before opening her eyes again, and staring down at the miracle, Gabriel.  

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