Chapter 11: (Seth's POV)

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This is Seth's POV of Violet spiralling out of control. Poor Violet!

Love & Rockets,



I watched her sleep, curled up innocently and peacefully. My hands couldn’t control themselves as they reached out and stroked her hair.

The tiny gesture disrupted her, and she sighed as she repositioned herself closer to me. I paused, waiting for her to go back to sleep, before stroking her hair again.

How could anyone hurt someone so beautiful?

She was so innocent and gentle as she slept soundly. Her mouth pulled down into a slight frown as she dreamed.

I hoped she wasn’t dreaming of Max. Her cheeks began to flame a little pink, so I blew lightly on her face to cool her down.

Her frown turned upside down, and her expression turned peaceful.

What happened tonight was completely unforeseen. After what had happened I saw a change in Violet, she seemed so frightened.

She was really freaked.

Max had broken her, maybe even beyond repair. But I dismounted that thought immediately from my head.

She had to escape her father’s horrible mistreatment. She had to forget everything her father ever did to her.

She needed to heal. I will make it my life’s goal to make her better in any way I can. I leant in and kissed her on the forehead, as if to seal the deal.

Her forehead crinkled a little in confusion, and I gently smoothed them down with my fingers.

She burrowed closer to me, and I welcomed her.

She had been through enough; all she needed now was time and love. The guys were right when they gave me that pep talk at the wedding.

Violet needed me to be there for her. I needed to be calm and listen to what she was saying.

Sam even gave me some time with her. Embry and Quil shared my patrol time between them both so I could look after Violet.

But she didn’t seem to be present. Violet always looked out the window, out in space. When I tried to talk to her, I had to snap her out of her hypnotized state first.

She slept a lot, and her skin was starting to get cold. I hardly saw her eat. She was like a zombie.

Sometimes in the middle of the night she would wake up screaming or tossing in bed.

“Get out of my head!” she screamed one night.

I always calmed her down, and she would cry in my arms. I couldn’t bear to see her cry and to wake up screaming. Her nightmares seemed to get worse, up to the point where she would just lie awake at night.

“Go to sleep” I told her softly.

She stared up at the ceiling blankly, her eyes somewhere else. “I can’t” she whispered back.

She hardly slept anymore, and hardly talked.

One night, I couldn’t feel Violet beside me. I opened my eyes, but I was alone in the room.

I shot up out of the bed. “Violet? Violet, where are you?” I said frantically as I darted around the house.

“Honey, what’s wrong?” Sue said coming out of her room. Her eyes were tired as she rubbed them.

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