Chapter 13

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PART 1: (Violet's POV)


I could faintly hear my surroundings. People shouting loudly and a siren in the distance.

A siren? It sounded like an ambulance, or maybe a police car.

Why would there be sirens?

Where was I?

I felt something warm, clutch at my hand. It was familiar. I racked my brain, trying to remember the familiarity of the warmth, but it was suddenly snatched away.

I began to panic, as I listened in on my surroundings.

“Save Her. Please” I heard someone choke.  

That voice. It was so familiar, but where did I hear it from?

I dove deeper into my mind, trying to look for something that would connect to these lost entities, as my surroundings changed rapidly.

I came up empty. I tried to listen in on my surroundings, but my mind was starting to feel heavy, as if I was held beneath a ton of bricks.  

The ground beneath me disappeared as I was lifted onto something stationary.

I tried to stay present, but my mind kept slipping.

Pain throbbed in my head when I thought too hard. The pain was so unbearable, that I let myself slip into the darkness.


PART 2: (Continuation of Story in Seth's POV)

Find out what reaally happened to Violet. Also included a confrontation between Seth and Max.


Love & rockets,



“Seth? You can see her now” Carlisle said. He put his hand on my shoulder, and led me down the hall.

My feet were walking swiftly besides Carlisle’s; I didn’t know whether I was ready to see her, or whether I was ready to run.

We stopped in front of a window, the dull grey scene of Violet lying on a bed. There were wires and tubes connected to her, like she was some sort of robot they were experimenting.

“How…how is she?” I stuttered.

“I’m afraid she suffered a massive haemorrhage to the brain. She’s lost a great deal of blood, but she’s in a stable condition” Carlisle replied. His tone was grave.  

I sighed in relief, but the expression on Carlisle’s face, made my throat go tight.

“She is in a very fragile state at the moment, and she could slip into a coma at any minute or there is a possibility that when she wakes, she’ll endure amnesia,” he breathed out in exhaustion, “But, I’m afraid, there is also a high possibility that she would be in a vegetated state” he said.

I felt my throat go dry.

“I’m sorry Seth, she didn’t deserve this” Carlisle said apologetically.

“No one deserves this” I said through gritted teeth.

I stared at Violet through the window. I felt Carlisle depart.

He was smart.

All I could feel was anger boil up inside of me. I was angry at the universe for not letting me have Violet, I was angry at myself for even letting this happen.

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