Minuet in A

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Small life,
Life that shines brightly,
Barely enough to be noticed to fill a room,
In this room I dream,
When I wake from that dream that life is gone.

I do what I must to hold the threads safe,
But when I wake they echo me,
When I wake only a memory follows me,
And life retains its forms, and goes on,
Never stopping for no one that is looking,
Never ceasing for breaths never heard,
Yet grasping to replace sparks irreplaceable.

Small life,
Life barely able to fill a room,
Noticed only for a brief moment,
Held to the wiser for more than a lifetime's worthiness,
They will creep into you, and you will be home to them.

It's said in hushed voices that
"You never see the same person twice in your daily travels."
Then why do I see the same husks gazing outwardly,
Cast onto pavement as I do?

And I will say,
"You will never see innocence smaller, more kindred than I,
The next day we wake, yet they travel in circles in our shadow, never seen."

We sleep, we dream,
When we wake each day,
There's always the gamble those bound just underneath
Our sides have blinked away before us,
Leaving a memory that will echo me,
Leaving a memory that will follow me.

In a dream last last week that night,
He was gone,
and without life I shard a room with,
So am I.

Now I wait for that day,
To see if the pain will really be there,
Or will it rather be just another shade of white in the waves..

Only time will spread the seeds of the song
This small life once retained and composed.
But time never nods nor sways to heal the wound
Where that warm fluff of friendship went missing.

I pray you,
Stay long enough,
Before I blink, and you, you are gone.

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