“Wait! No! Don’t film me!” a man exclaimed on the screen of a TV. He was sprawled on the ground trying to cover his face, but the hand of the filmer dragged it away from his face and you could see he was smiling. It was a smile that lit up the room and brightened up everyone’s day. He was blushing staring up at the camcorder, his eyes sparkling with joy.
“Oh shush. You always film us so it is your turn now,” said the filmer. The view was directed up catching the other people in the room in the video too. They were all laughing with smiles on their face, obviously enjoying the scene.
“Give me it back!” said the man on the floor lunging up to try and grab the camcorder. The view spun around catching little glimpses of things before finally settling back on the man and once again he was on the floor.
“Ha you lost, Terrance!” laughed one of the people in the background.
“Shut up, Darren!” huffed Terrance climbing to his feet brushing the dirt off his clothes. The filmer once again reached his hand out and brushed some dirt off Terrance’s face.
“Thanks Terra,” said Terrance flashing the camcorder another blinding smile.
“No problem,” said Terra the view shaking, meaning Terra was waving the hand with the camcorder in it.
“Be careful with the camera!” someone else in the background exclaimed before, the view started spinning. Suddenly it stopped and Terrance’s relieved face was shown up close. “Thank god you caught it. Terra be more careful with it!”
“Sorry, madam Nala,” said Terra from behind the camera.
A gentle laugh like bells rang throughou the room echoing and the view focused on Terrance who was laughing in his seat. “I wish we could always be together like this,” said Terrance his smile having a hint of sadness.
“We all wish that, Terrance,” said Terra staring up at the blank screen, “We all wish that we had been here for you. Maybe you wouldn’t be gone today. Maybe we would all still be happy.” A tear escaped from his eye tracing his cheek on its way down, passing that sad smile. “We miss you Terrance.”