Chapter 3

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A/N ~ if I get 5 votes on this chapter then I will start taking ideas from you guys! Just comment and vote! <3 (also sorry I didn't update this yesterday, I got busy!)

"Follow me," Dan said with a smirk.

He walks off in a different direction than Pj, but I follow him anyways. I guess I wasn't paying attention when he turned around and opened his mouth as if to say something. He closed it quickly, changing his mind.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing it's fine I guess," he replies. I shrug and keep following him. A few minutes later we are outside, standing near Chris who looks like he was waiting for someone. Luckily we were out of sight when Pj suddenly turned the corner and headed directly to Chris.

"I thought you hated me," Pj said.

"I do," Chris replied.

"Then why would you ask to talk to me?" Pj asked, getting annoyed.

I turned to Dan with a questioning look, he just grinned. "Finally" he whispered.

Chris POV

I had composed numerous ways to say this and had twisted my words to fit what I mean but I still couldn't say them to him. He was so cute, his curly hair getting in the way of his beautiful eyes but I still didn't have the courage of looking into them.


I didn't understand why he would ask me to meet him if he wouldn't even say anything. I sighed and looked at him as he looked at the floor, he was pretty cute, though. Him being flustered and blushing just made me smile. He looked up at me, I turned my smile into a frown, but he saw me smiling. Dammit.

"Pj, you are so smart and cool and you always know what to say, you know complex equations off the tip of your head and you have read every book in the library even though it's like the third week and you -" Chris rambled before I cut him off,

"What are you on about Chris?"

"Pj," he sighed and looked back down, "For a while now I've known I was...different.... I'm gay" he said.

"Well, that's good..." I said quietly hoping he didn't hear me.

"Wait, what?" he asked. Damn, he heard that.

Chris POV

"Well, that's good..." Pj said.

"Wait for what?" I asked, what is going on?

"Cause then I can do this." he smiled, What was he talking about???

Pj took a few steps towards me and grabbed my waist as he gently kissed me. It was short and sweet, but amazing.


I was interrupted in my thoughts as I heard Phil gasp.

"I knew it," he whispered. I laughed, forgetting that Pj and Chris were near us. They looked up and Phil jumped into me, it was such a surprise that he knocked me over onto the floor. We tried to keep quiet as Pj and Chris looked around the corner and we started giggling and just couldn't stop.

"DAN!" Chris yelled, "I thought you wouldn't tell anybody!!" Chris said, slightly annoyed. Phil kept laughing as we looked at each other and smiled.

"Pj, I guess we've got some talking to do," Phil said in-between giggles.

"I guess not since you both saw everything," Pj replied, amused by our tangled mess on the ground.

"It was Dan's idea!" Phil exclaimed loudly, pointing at me. I nodded, giving a smirk to them, followed by giggles.

And in that moment of being tangled with Phil, lying next to him, seeing him smile, and hearing his laugh, I wanted to stay like this forever.


Phil POV

The next day, Pj and I continued to study when about an hour in Pj started to pack up again.

"Meeting Chris again today?" I half-joked.

"Actually there is a quidditch game today" Pj replied.

"I thought you hated quidditch," I asked, very confused.

"I did until I saw Chris play," he said, embarrassed.

"I'll go with you!" I offered, "Dan will probably be there too and he's pretty cool."

And with that, we both got up and headed towards the arena.


As we sat down in the stadium the game had started. We had found seats next to Dan in the Ravenclaw section and Pj watched the game as Dan and I talked.

"Well I'd probably say that my favorite color is black, but I do quite like red if I'm being honest." Dan replied to my question, "What about you?"

"Hmmm," I thought, "I really like all the colors but if I had  to chose it would be green like plants, plants are my favorite."

"Which ones?" he asked.

"I really like muggle plants, they're very calming," I said.

The whole game was filled with those mini-conversations that mixed into one big one showing our personalities. I quite liked hanging out with Dan, he was calm and collected and his smile was hypnotic.

"I was wondering where the ball was coming from, and then it hit me!" I joked, and Dan smiled. His smile was so adorable, although he rarely smiled. 

"You should smile more, Dan," I say after he was done laughing, "It's very cute."

I turned around and continued to watch the game again as he started blushing furiously. I pretended I didn't notice.


After the game, Chris came down to us and we started chatting.

"Nice win Chris!" Pj exclaimed before pulling him into a hug.

"Maybe we should leave them alone for a while," Dan whispered to me and I giggled and nodded.

We walked out of the stadium and took a different route than everyone else. The road was quiet and peaceful, I liked it. I liked Dan.



Hey guys(SORRY TO LEAVE YOU WITH A CLIFFHANGER)! I'm so excited about writing this book if you want some Phan Oneshots I have a book coming out soon called 'I Need You ~ Phan Oneshots' so if you want those make sure you check it out! Also, make sure you vote and comment and all that stuff. 

Kat is out! <3

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