Chapter 5

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Phil POV

I carefully sat at the Hufflepuff dining table for breakfast, not saying a word. I looked over at the Slytherin table, closely watching Dan and Jack sharing looks of disgust. Dan glanced over at me and then looked back down at his food. I could never thank him enough for saving me back there, and I can't believe that Jack was that bad.

Dan walked over to me and he hugged me, I hugged him back and gave him a weak smile.

"I hope you're feeling well, Phil," he said, "I'll make sure Jack never touches you again."

I look down at my food and leave. I just needed to be away from everyone else for a while. The rest of the day he didn't look at me and didn't talk to me. I was confused, I needed a friend right now.


The next couple of days were a blur, Dan stopped hanging out with us, stopped coming to classes, just stopped. I can't remember which day was which and I constantly felt like a piece was ripped out of me.

How could Dan do this? After all he's done before? Maybe he is as bad as Pj thought when we met him, typical Slytherin.

I needed some time to think, so I walked to the Magical Creatures Care Center and looked at the animals for a while. I had named them all, from the little frogs to the giant unicorns. I walked up to my favorite owl, Angela, and pet her feathers gently. I sighed, I still wasn't ready to talk. I was interrupted from my thoughts when someone opened the door to the Center. I hid behind the tables and wondered who on Earth would be here right now. No one comes here, except for me....

I hear them sigh and take a ferret out of their cage. I look over the table slightly, luckily they were facing away from me. They started laughing as they let the ferret climb over them and onto their head. I let out a silent giggle as I wondered who it was.

"I don't know, Millie, I don't think he's ready to talk yet..." I heard, "Either that or he's avoiding me...I wouldn't be surprised though, I did kind of flip out, I just...ignored him...I didn't know what else to do."

Dan. He's here...

"I'm just not sure what to think, I mean I really...really-" he started before I stood up and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Phil?!? What are you doing here? Did you hear what I said?" I nodded.

"Can't you just say something already? I'm sick of silence from you." he yelled. I took in a deep breath and started talking.

"You left me, I needed a friend and you just left. Dan, we are-were great friends, and now you just disappear? I'm done, Dan, I'm going back." I sighed, glad I had gotten that out of my system.

"Phil, wait..." Dan said quietly, before standing up to face me.

"I don't really want your excuses, Dan."

I turned around to face Dan and he grabbed my shoulders and planted a soft kiss on my lips. He pulled away, I jumped a bit in shock.


Dan sat down on the floor and started crying, "Just go, Phil, I'm sorry."

I sat with him and pecked his cheek, now covered in tears.

"Dan, it's okay, really." I say quietly. He looked up at me and smiled a bit, I love his smile.

Dan leaned in halfway, only inches away from my lips, waiting for me to close the gap. I did, and I immediately felt fireworks. Butterflies exploded from my stomach, and my head felt so light-headed, and I swear I flew for a bit before he pulled away. We sat there for a while, my head on his shoulder and his arm around me.


Dan and I walked back to the castle, holding hands. We made it back to the Hufflepuff common room and stopped for a moment before I entered.

"Dan, would you like to come in?" I asked.

"It's okay, Phil, I have to work on my Potions project." he replied with a grin. I giggle.

"Have fun then!" I smile.

"Phil, before I go, would to go on a date with me or something?" I ask quietly.

"Of course!" I say, now with a grin on my face. I kissed him quickly and giggled again before being interrupted by two figures.

"You owe me 5 galleons, Chris." Pj said quite loudly. Dan and I looked over to Chris and Pj leaning against a wall while Chris handed Pj the galleons. Pj's arm was around Chris.

"You guys couldn't wait 3 more days?" Chris said, amused.

"I bet that you guys would start going out by the end of this week," Pj said as they both walked over to us.

"God," Dan started, "Is anything private anymore?"

"You both did the same thing," Chris replied with a smile, "Keep him out of trouble, Phil" Chris winked at me as he and Pj started talking to each other again.

"Well, I wasn't lying about that project, so I've really got to be going." Dan said as he planted a kiss on my cheek. I walked into the Hufflepuff common room after watching him leave and sighed.

I'm going on a date with Dan Howell!


Hey guys! Thank you soooooo much for all of the reads and votes I cannot believe it! I want to shoutout @_Dabhowlter_ for recommending my book! It is such an honor!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe I went from 5 followers to 77 in 24 hours <3 <3 <3

(also sorry for the shortish chapter, I'm going to upload another one today, probably the same length s o o o o yeah!)

Stay tuned and thank you guys so much!

~Kat is out! <3

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