Hey guys! So if you don't already know me, my name is Harvey. This is a shared account with Max (I know, depressing😕) Anyway, this is my book. He will be writing his own as well so make sure to check that out! I'm gonna be honest with you from the get go, I'll probably be more active than him. (Sorry for all you Team Max peeps) We just created this account but have been reading some fan-fic and you guys are just so great and amazing! You guys are so creative and we love your stories so if we haven't read yours already and you'd like us to, comment and we'll definitely read a bit. Shout out to @spookymills You're AMAZING😍 Not quite sure I agree with your view of me to be honest😂But yeah! You're amazing, we love you, and can't wait for more! We tried to follow you but...there was a glitch so we have to fix that and hopefully it will work this time😕Fingers crossed!
So...if you are actually considering reading more (I wouldn't recommend it) just a heads up...THIS STORY IS NOT COMPLETELY TRUE! The characters are real but not the plot! If this story gets a bit awkward I'm sorry. I'm not good at writing any genre really🙈 Uh...romance isn't really my department if you can't tell by the amount of girlfriends I've had. Mystery just doesn't work for me, fantasy is well...yeah no, just no, and I don't write adventure because that's BORING! I'm a sucky writer so...yeah!😊 Also, shout out to the following people as well: @Emily20047 @infinitysmilesag and @showoff67 You're amazing! Love you lots!