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A purple haired woman walked into a airy office. Behind the desk, a brunette man sat, his orange flecked amber eyes flitted over a report. He looked up, meeting the woman's eyes squarely, and with a slight frown.

"Chrome." The brunette said. He threaded his hands together, placing them on his desk as he looked at Chrome.

"Yes, Tsuna?" Chroma asked. It took a few years, but he'd managed to persuade(blackmail) his guardian's into calling him Tsuna.

"I need you to keep an eye on Hiroto for me."

Chroma tilted her head, looking at her boss.

"They are getting a teacher.  His name is Akira Takoaka. He's military. Hardworking, pushes people to their limits. And he's abusive. He will put on a facade at first, for a day, or even a few hours, then he will intimidate and try to turn E Class into his perfect toy soldiers through fear and helplessness. I can't go because of paperwork, and everyone else is busy for the next week."

Everyone else would stick out like a sore thumb, Tsuna thought privately. 

"I will go, Tsuna." Chrome said, the moment Tsuna said 'abusive', Mukuro started planning(and he already had a wonderfully large amount of terrifying ideas). After all, what's a insane man compared to that man harassing Hiroto, Yuma, and their classmates.

The brunette slightly narrowed his eyes but nodded. "Have a good trip." Tsuna said, giving Chrome a hug. The purple haired woman walked out the door.

"And now, back to my paperwork." Tsuna groaned. The brunette went back to going though the piles.

The new PE teacher was, well, he felt weird. Hiroto saw Yuma shooting Takaoka suspicious looks as well. Some of the more observant of the class, noted the two's uneasiness and gave the new teacher a wider berth. Karma was sitting in a tree nearby, watching them all with narrowed eyes.
The moment Takaoka pulled out deserts? A chill went down the few wary students of E Class. Karma slid down the tree and walked off. "That guy's bad news....I doubt he'll be here for more then a day though. Such a shame. if he is here tomorrow...." Karma smirked.
"Dad! I like the sound of that." Takaoka said with a grin. Yuma and Hiroto frowned inconspicuously. The traded glances as they lined up.

"A new schedule!"
E Class protested. Hiroto walked to Takaoka, mentally the student was furious. Fortunately he had his father's disposition instead of his godfather's. "Hold up hold up, this is school, we got to think about grades too. We can't go by this, when are we supposed to-"
Takaoka placed a hand on Hiroto's forehead. Hiroto froze, his HI screaming at him that the teacher was about to knee him in the gut. The blond dodged the knee, jumping back quickly. 

Only Yuma and Hiroto noticed the mist flames surrounding Takaoka and Hiroto. The teaching staff of E Class felt uneasy for some reason unknown to them.

Yuma stood in front of Hiroto as they backed away. Hiroto slipped around his friend. The strawberry blond and black haired boy stood side by side, glaring at Takaoka. But confronting  Takaoka would means there's something more to them then they want known.

They trusted their classmates, they could take care of it. Hopefully. Besides, aunt Chrome and uncle Mukuro were nearby if things got ugly.

When Nagisa attacked Takoaka, Chrome and Mukuro used their flames to create an illusion to show Nagisa as a snake. Which startled the man even more. They applied a liberal amount of mist flames to Takaoka's mind (specifically to target the 'fear' part of his brain) before he left(evil laughter).

As Yuma and Hiroto walked down the street, Chrome and Mukuro slipped out and talked with them. The mist users spent the night at Mrs. Maehara's house.

And...If during the next few months Takaoka had terrifying nightmares of mysterious origin, well, nothing could be traced back to them. 

I'm not dead! It's short. Because the Vongola wouldn't blow their heir's cover. Deal with it. 


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