Resorts, last resorts, and reveals

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Takeshi volunteered to drive Isogai and Maehara. The Rain was in Japan for a mission and was therefore available for that day.

The swordsman considered Isogai an unofficial son while Maehara was Takeshi's godson. Maehara's godfathers were Reborn, Takeshi, and (surprisingly) Mukuro.

Unsurprisingly, all of the other Guardians were too wary of Hibari to attempt naming him as a godfather. Although it was a running joke of Mukuro's that the Mist would name Hibari as godfather to his first child. Upon hearing the joke the first time Tsuna flatly replied 'Pineapple, I told you not to cause apocalypses last week.'

After Takeshi parked, Takeshi snapped his fingers. "That's right, I have your weapons." The Rain opened the trunk. Takeshi cheerfully took two bundles and handed them to the children.

"How'd you get them past airport security?" The two teenagers asked in shock.

"It's a long story." Takeshi chuckled nervously. "Maa~Anyways, there's the bat and gloves."

The two students hurriedly unwrapped the packages. They grinned happily at the sight of their disguised weapons. Hiroto's was a pair of fingerless black gloves with steel capped knuckles and a book kept shut with a small combination lock. Yuma's was an weathered silver baseball bat.

"Thanks Uncle Takeshi!" The two said, and hugged the man simultaneously. The swordsman staggered slightly with a 'oof'.


"Hey Yuma, why'd you bring a bat?"

"Hiroto-kun and I planning on playing some baseball at the resort." Yuma fibbed. "Yeah, it's a lot of fun." Hiroto quickly jumped aboard to support the lie.

"Oh, okay." "Cool."


As they were discussing the layout and problems of trying to into the resort, Hiroto mentally screamed from the pressure of keeping his secret. He seemed to be doing that a lot these days. It was easier to pretend to be a normal kid when everyone in his class was normal. Now...It was a struggle to keep pretending.

"It's going to be hard to get in without anyone noticing." "Yeah, but we can do it."

If anyone was going to accept him, it'd be his class and his teachers. If anyone was going to hurt him the most by rejecting him, it would be them as well. Hiroto took several deep breaths to calm himself down. And then proceed to put his foot in his mouth.

"I can get us through." Hiroto blurted out.

"But this place caters to the rich, corrupt, and famous?" Nagisa questioned.

"Yeah, I know." Maehara replied with a tight smile.

"Maehara, is there a secret you want to tell us?" Karma teased, a smirk in place as he narrowed his eyes.

Maehara laughed nervously as he leaned away from Karma. Maehara breathed deeply then decided to go all in.

"If you're with us, we'll all be fine. I can say I got permission from my Dad to take my friends out and have fun. Karasuma-sensei and Jelavich-sensei can pose as our bodyguards." Hiroto took another deep breath and tried to look everyone in the eye for what he was about to say next.

"We won't be questioned. It will work. Trust me." Hiroto Maehara declared without a hint of doubt.

There was a silence after that, as both staff and students pondered his words.

"Maehara, after this is over, when your classmates are safe, I think we all have some questions." Karasuma stated.

"Agreed, after this nightmare." Maehara replied with a nod. The heir had a sinking feeling in his stomach.

Maehara slipped on the top of the line Sky Ring he always carried with him.

The group of assassins confidently walked up to entrance. 

"Invitation?" The guard  at the door asked. 

 Hiroto smiled sheepishly. "Ah. I don't have one. Sorry about that. I'm Hiroto di Vongola."

The guards in the room tensed at the family name. Hands surreptitiously strayed to hidden pistols.

The  comms crackled as someone connected. "Serpent de rat, demande-lui s'il a une anneau de crête. (Rat snake, ask him if he has a crest ring.)" A low voice ordered in French.

"Oui, patron. (yes, boss)." Rat snake replied, his tone polite. 

The Boss was Francis Marcantoni. He wasn't a foolish man by the accounts of all who knew him. Neither was Rat snake, a security guard and respected assassin.

"Do you have a crest?" Rat snake questioned. Hiroto held up his hand.  Rat snake squinted at the crest.

The crest was made out of a strange orange stone. 'Vongola' was emblazoned across the top in silver.

"Looks legitimate. " Rat snake commented. The guard was Mafia of a different type then Vongola. Rat snake had a few interesting encounters with Smoking Bomb Hayato years ago. 

"Have fun." Rat snake smiled.

"Thank you." Hiroto replied politely.


The rest of the night was as unexpected as Maehara having a connection to someone in the criminal world. Run ins with several assassins trying to kill the class and a mysterious mastermind that turned out to be Takaoka.

Yuma proved to be handy with the sword, as he deflected bullets with the iron and a sly dose of Rain flames.

Yuma's pleading look towards Sugino, caused the baseball player to mime zipping his lips shut.

"Thanks." Yuma whispered to Sugino. "No problem, man. I'm guessing there's a reason you kept your mouth shut about whatever 'that' was." Sugino quietly replied.
Hiroto was about to stop Nagisa from going up onto the rooftop with Takaoka. Hiroto tripped and fell onto his face.

"And of course. My dameness acts up when someone is in danger, instead of the other way around like Dad." Hiroto ranted quietly.

The battle between Takaoka and Nagisa turned out surprisingly well. Hiroto had predicted the opposite. Reborn would tor-train him if Reborn knew what was happening.


E Class and staff had gotten back to the resort. They were tired but alive.

It was questioning time. The students and staff waited for Hiroto to spill what was going on with him.

Hiroto bit his lip. "I'll tell you guys everything when class is back in session. I need some time... Until then, can we keep it on the down low?" 

Korosensei nodded. "I think we can all do that. We will respect your wish for some time to think. This has been a hectic vacation for all of us."


The first day of class since the resort came. After class ended that day, Hiroto stood up. The rest of the students of E Class and staff were in the room.

"I'm Hiroto Sawada, my dad is Tsunayoshi Sawada. My dad is the Tenth Don of the Vongola Family."

'Vongola Family....?' Was the mutual thought of the students. Korosensei, Karasuma, and Irina were in a state of shock.

Hiroto sighed. "In other words, I'm the heir to a mafia family."

"WHAT?!" The students yelled.

This is for the few people who actually read this story. I am working on the last chapter, which will be posted when I decide to not be lazy.
At foxchick1:I don't know. People feel free to write up an actual plot for the necklace.
At Eevee:XD hola mi amiga. Very much so, I've been doing homework and trying to finish up some of my multi-chapter stories.
The last chapter should be out soon.

Hiroto Maehara-SawadaWhere stories live. Discover now