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"Dauntless-born, go with Lauren, transfers stay with me." The guy says the groups split and suddenly ours is much smaller. "Most of the time I work in intelligence, but during your training, I'll be your instructor. My name's Four" then it clicks is that why he gave me that look? Because his name is a number as well? Who would of thought.

"Four like the number?" Cristina says she didn't hear the name I chose yet.

"Exactly like the number" he says

"What happened, one through three were taken?" She jokes but he didn't seem impressed or humerus. Instead he walked over closer to her and stared down at her.

"What's your name?" He asks

"Christina" she says

"Well, Christina the first lesson you learn from me if you wanna survive here, is keep your mouth shut. Do you understand me?" He asks

"Yes" Christina replies softly.

"Good. Follow me" he says and began walking. We follow behind him until he stops. "This is the pit the center of life here at Dauntless." He says continuing to walk. We reach a room with beds lined up. "You're going to be sleeping here for the next 10 weeks" he says

"Girls or boys?" Someone asks

"Both" he says

"Nice" a girl says

"If you like this, you're gonna love the bathroom" he walks through the room and into another room which reveals an open bathroom.

"Great.." a girl says

"Okay.." someone else says


"Is there no other area?"

"Are you kidding?"

"You should feel right at home, Candor. Everything out in the open" Four says "get changed" he says before leaving not before I make eye contact with him but look away before he could scowl me.

"Shower, anyone?" Someone says I find the clothes and began changing I felt extremely uncomfortable. And to make it worse of course someone had to make a comment.

"Nice legs, stiff!" I try to cover my legs the best I could but you could still see them. After changing Christina and I head to the cafeteria to eat. Where we arrive the entire place is packed the only spot left was beside four our leader.

"Shall we sit there?" I asks we take a seat beside four Christina sitting to my left, four to my right. I pick between my food not really sure what to do with it. "Have you never seen a hamburger before?"  Christina asks

"No, I've seen one. I just have never eaten one." I say poking at the circular meat.

"Abnegation eat plain food. Plant-based diet with no sauces and a minimum of seasoning." A boy that sat across from us says.

"Which textbook did you swallow?" Christina says he chuckles and puts his hand out "nice to meet you, too. I'm Will. Erudite" he says

"Of course you are. No offense, but I'm surprised Abnegation even eats at all too selfish, right?." Christina says "no wonder you left" she adds

"You gotta be pretty self-confident to be friends with Candor." Will says

"What is that suppose to mean?" Christina says

"You have no filter. You say the first thing that comes into your head." Will says

"You mean like, you're an idiot?" Al says we all chuckle.

Divergent; 13 Where stories live. Discover now