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[Edited: 27/9/19]


I gazed the blue ocean in front of me while Frankenstein sat down, resting his body. We're taking a break after a long journey searching for Raizel. We haven't found him anywhere which starting to make me anxious.

I realized my strength got to waste out really fast when we began this searching. I don't know why but Frankenstein said that may be because of Raizel.

There were flashes of thoughts that passed my mind. What if he didn't want to be found? What if he disappeared on purpose? What if he wants this to happen?

It got me recalling about the time when he asked me for his wishes.


I was relaxing on the couch, reading a book while he was drinking his tea that I've made. 

"Do you like it?" I asked him as I finished my book. He approved before placing down his cup of tea on the coffee table between us.

Every day we did these activities. Him enjoying his tea while me reading books. We never get tired of it. Sometimes, I would go outside, enjoying nature deep in the woods and come back before sunrise. Most of the time when I am not with him, he proceeded to the window and watched outside. Muzaka occasionally came here and accompany us with his adventurous stories.

Raizel and I grow up together as we were childhood friends. I am fated to be his companion; to be his lover; to be his protector and healer while he fated to be the Noblesse.

As I am his protector, if any threat comes to him, I was supposed to face it first. I am his lover, which means I belong to him and he belongs to me for eternity.

I am his healer, I'm the one who always recovers him every time he got injured, physically or mentally. I nurse him with my abilities by supplying his lifespan with my lifespan. In result, every time I healed him, my lifespan got shorter with how amount I gave him. Because of that too, every time Raizel got hurt, I would get hurt too.

I wouldn't mind it at all, I have accepted my destiny but Raizel loathes the fact. But we both know, it is my responsibility as his companion. Raizel always tries to refuse my assistance but I am too stubborn. I talked to him about my duty for him and I thought he finally understood, but I was wrong.

One day, Raizel goes for mission and got hurt in the end. I was healing him by putting my hands on his shoulders since I can heal him just with a single touch.

I was standing behind him, concentrated on my powers. "Catherine," he called me and me hummed in response. "If I ask you to do something for me, would you do it?" he asked me carefully.

"It depends actually," I answered simply to him, my hands glowing as I moved them, "If you asked me to do bad things, I wouldn't do it although you are my companion. But I believe you wouldn't ask me to do such things."

"What if I ask you to leave?" he said carefully, knowing what my reaction will be.

I abruptly stopped my healing, the glow disappeared as I gawked the back of his head in shock, "What?"

He sighed as he took one of my hands, I walked in front of him in with my questioning manner.

"What if I told you to leave me here? In order for you to be safer?" he lifted his red orbs eyes to met mine. His eyes filled with determined and sad emotion.

"Why you would you want me to be safer? Am I not safe here?" I asked him in curiosity.

"You're my weakness, Catherine. I couldn't bear to see you hurt. I want you to be safe, far from any threat." he answered to me as he gently caresses my cheek.

"If I am far from you, wouldn't it be more dangerous for me? And if I leave, who will protect you? Heal you? Who will accompany you?" I asked him as I leaned to his touch. His touch always made me feel safe and loved.

"I would be alright Catherine. Muzaka will accompany me with his stories. Besides, you could explore this world." he put his hand away and stood up so I have to look up at him because of his incredible height.

I narrowed my red eyes at him, wondering what is he thinking. It is true that we connected by our minds but it is impossible if one of us blocked them. I didn't know what is he thinking but something in my mind clicked.

"You don't want me to heal you, do you? To give my life span?" I asked him, my lips turn into a frown.

His body went tense as he examined my eyes like he's trying to memorize them. I found my answer in his stillness. I placed my hand on his cheek, motioned him to answer me why.

"I couldn't bear to see you get weaker every time you fix me. I don't want you to spend all your life just to protect me. I am too selfish to let you be this way. I don't want it," he took both of my hands in his before looking down at them. "That's why I want you to leave so you could live your life and didn't waste it here."

I am speechless because of his words. Selfish? He wants me to spend my life in my own way, not with my destiny? But I want to live with him until my last day.

"Raizel, it's alright. I don't care to spend my entire life with you. I want to be here beside you. About my lifespan, you know I could revive it. Do not worry." I said to him gently.

He sighed let go of my hands then turned to the window. I breathed out tiredly, looking through the windows as I stepped beside him, "Is this truly what you want, Raizel?"

He nodded although it looked like it is forced, "I want you to leave far away from where nobody could find you and you will tell no one about this. I will reach you if I need you but until then you will remain hidden." 

His red eyes are bold but sad. He knows well I didn't like his choices. I studied his orbs, his beautiful face, his soft black hair, and his lean but strong body. I wrapped my delicate white hands around his neck and pull him into my embrace.

He wrapped his long arms around my waist tightly as I shut my eyes. I wish I could be like this forever. He pulled away and cupped my face, looked deeply in my eyes.

"Be safe." He whispered to me and when he let go of me, I was gone.

***End of flashback***


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