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[Edited: 20/12/19]


"Mistress, welcome to Ye Ran High School," Frankenstein said as we stopped in front of a big gate and gestured the big building inside.

Frankenstein decided that it's better to let Raizel and the children went to the school first to prevent big attention from other students. I was sad at first since I couldn't go with Raizel on my first day but I understand that Frankenstein means well.

"I see that you used your knowledge as I asked you to, Frankenstein. I am proud of you." I turned to him with a big smile. Frankenstein widened his eyes in surprise before slightly blushed because of the compliment that I gave.

"Thank you, Mistress." He bowed with a happy smile. He gestured the entrance excitedly, "Shall we?"

I guess the bell rang minutes ago since now everyone is in class. I looked over the big field where some student is playing what I guess is soccer before entering the building. Frankenstein led me straight into his office to register me as a transfer student.

Frankenstein jogged to his desk and pull some files. I looked around his office as I wait for him. His office is comfortable but formal. The walls are painted almost white, there are couches in the middle of the room and there's a window behind his large desk. I frowned when I saw papers and files pilling up on his desk.

"That is a lot of work," I commented, gesturing the big piles. Frankenstein turned to the piles before sighing, "Yes, it is Mistress. Every new pile came up every week. I tried to finish them but what we are dealing right now didn't help my situation."

I took one paper and read it. I realized it was a report from the teachers. "The teachers have to report to you every week?"

Frankenstein sat down on his chair, grabbing his pen before writing something down. He nodded, "Yes, Mistress. The reports are about what they need from the school for their teaching purposes, the students that got in trouble in classes, etc."

"That is a great idea." I placed down the paper down before reading the next one, "Do you need help sorting these out?"

Frankenstein lifted his head to face me, "I am not sure about that, Mistress. I don't want—"

"Believe me, Frankenstein, I have already read your memories. I could handle all of these if that's what you're worried about." I said confidently before quickly added, "But that is if you want to."

Frankenstein pondered about it for a minute, "I will think about your offer, Mistress. I appreciate it." He stood up from his desk, bringing the paper he just wrote. He gestured the door, "Now, please allow me to lead you to your class."

I followed him to the corridor, "Do Raizel have the same class as mine?" We passed just a few classes before Frankenstein stopped.

"Yes, Mistress. As well as with Regis and Seira." Frankenstein opened the door and spoke to the teacher who was in the middle of teaching, "Sorry for interrupting, but we have a new transfer student for this class."


Third POV

When the chairman announced another transfer student, the class filled with curious whispering. They all wondered about the new student but the whispers abruptly stopped when Mr.Park sent death glares at them.

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