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(Seven's POV)

  It's a breezy day isn't it?

It's rarely breezy here. I smiled as I walked out my cozy home, and took a deep breath.

Today will be a good day.

I walked the usual way to the supermarket to stock up on Dr. Pepper and Honey Butter chips , and walked past the cafe I used to go. The coffee they brewed, just the scent of it would wake me up. I took a deep whiff of the smell of freshly grounded coffee, but the scent that came to my nostrils, was just the Arabian Coffee I am so used to smelling. There was this other sweet scent, that I always associated with this Coffee Aroma.

I then remembered this scent.

It's her.

Her scent, her smile, her voice, her hair, her everything.

I remember the last memory of her. A last dance, under the moon and the stars, and the needle in my hands. I remember her smile fading, her eyelids slowly closing, and her falling. I was not suppose to catch her and to walk away, but I couldn't. I remember her cold lifeless body in my arms as I felt something cold flow down my cheek as my vision got blurry.

I stopped walking, and stared watching her. She was alone, reading a book. A moment later, a waiter approached her and served her a cup of coffee. She smiled at the waiter, and thanked him before returning to her book. However, it seems like the waiter took an interest on her and attempted to a chat with her. She looked back at him and gave him an awkward smile, and talks to the waiter, but didn't put down her book.

She is still the same person I know. It made me smile. I am glad she still hadn't change. I feel my heart beating faster the longer I see her.

But that waiter, is irritating her. Even though she does not show it, I know, I can sense it. When she answers his question, her eyes would return to her book, but he would continue talking. Is he oblivious to the fact that my baby just want to read?

I could not take it anymore, he was irritating her. Without thinking, I stepped into the cafe, and walked towards the waiter.

'Excuse me sir, do you not know this lady does not wish to converse with you? I would recommend that you serve other customers.'

I gestured to the many other customers in the cafe. I glared into his eyes, and his eyes widen in shock.

'I'm sorry, Miss, do enjoy your coffee.'

After that sentence, he scampered away. When I saw he was serving other customers, I walked away. But I heard a familiar voice call for me, and a familiar warmth on my shoulder.

'Erm...thanks for just now.'

I turned back and saw her smiling at me, face a little flushed. I smiled back and replied,

'No problem, Miss.'

I turned around and before I could walk away, she called me again.

'Erm, have we met before? I felt like I have seen you before. What do people call it? Deja vu?'

She still remembers? But no, this is not suppose to happen. She is suppose to forget who I are, and I am suppose to forget who she is. This is not happening. I shake my head quickly and tried to walked away quickly.

'Don't go please!'

She raised her voice, and it caught my attention. She never spoke so loudly, even back then. I turned around, to see her face really flushed. I walked back to her.

'Don't go, please. I need to know who you are. I know it's weird, but I feel like, we are not meant to be strangers.'

She then clutched her book tightly, and held it up to her chest. I saw the book title, it was 'Destiny'. I sighed. She is really giving me a headache. She was always my biggest weakness, and therefore, I had to let her go. When I was away from her, it was really easy to trick myself that she never gave me the feelings love is suppose to give. But in front of her, I could feel it. The want to touch her face, the urge to hug her and the need to kiss her. I could feel my heart beat faster and faster and I can't help but smile. She is really adorable.

But I can't simply tell her that we were lovers, because she has forgotten. But, we can always fall in love once again.

'We have never met before, but now we have. So, let's not be strangers! I am Seven, 707!.'

She laughed to my response and said,

'Agent 707, I am Agent 606, (Your Name)! It is nice to meet you!'

606? Does she remember? Maybe unconsciously. 

We exchanged contact numbers and I left for the supermarket.

(A/N: Thank for you finding and reading this Mystic Messenger Fanfic! Yes, this story is really different from the game and Seven is a little OOC, but I do hope you liked it! Cheers to the next chapter!)

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