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  It is like we never parted. I still feel the same around her. My heart still beats fast and the urge to smile never stops. This feels like, the first time I met her. It sure brings back a lot of memories. Actually, the first time I met her was online.

  I am part of an Charity Organisation called Rika's Fundraising Association, also known as the RFA. I created a special messaging app for RFA members to plan the next Fundraising event, called Mystic. I made sure only members were able to download the App. One day, a stranger appeared in the application and it was a girl named (Your Name). She somehow decided to join the organisation and chatted with us quite often. It was crazy, but I fell in love with her through messaging. 

  Like now, we talked, and had so much similarities. I remember calling her for the first time, and my golly, her voice of adorable. She had put up her profile picture and she looked beautiful. I knew the others wanted to get her too, but she choose me. Because of my work, I actually tried to stop myself and her from ever falling in love, but my feelings for her were undeniable. I love her, and have fallen deeply in love with her.  I was hoping if I could crush her heart with my words through the messenger, she would stop, but she didn't. She was prying me open. When Rika's apartment got hacked, without thinking, I ran to where she was and the only thing in my mind was to protect her. 

  Who knew being so close to her would drive me crazy. I stayed in one corner of the apartment and kept my distance. But she kept coming closer, she kept talking, both in real life and on the messenger app. It hurt a lot, being away from her, when she was just there. I could just turn behind, and pull her into my embrace, but I can't. I watch her sleep every night. When she sleeps, she is so at peace, and being with me, she would never be in peace ever again. I didn't have the heart to take peace from her. This is how I learnt, if I really love her, I should let her go. 

  When the incident seemed to have calmed down, I packed up and went home. It hurt to leave as I wanted to be with her forever, but I had too. Vanderwood would never let me stay. Just when I was about to leave, (Your name) stopped me. 

'Don't go Seven, please. I finally got to meet you, please don't go.'

  My heart broke when I saw her eyes tearing. Of course I didn't want to leave, but I had to. Our relationship is forbidden. I accidentally pushed her away too hard and she slipped. Instinctively, I tried to break her fall and pull her into my embrace, causing me to fall with her too. I landed below her, and she just sat on me, crying.

'D...Don't go, please...'

  I started crying too, and I used my thumb to wipe the tears off her cheeks. I pulled her into a hug and apologized. 

'I'm Sorry (Your name). I love you.'

   How our relationship started was a wild ride, but I am slightly glad I had a chance to restart with this simple beginning.

  On our last meetup at the Cafe, (your name) was telling me about her book, and that she was done reading it. I then suggested that we head to the book store next time and get a new book. She nodded while grinning like a child and I smiled in return. Is this a date? But did our previous coffee sessions count as a date? But now, we are going out to other places together. I feel the plot developing. 

  I got a little too excited and reached the bookstore a little to early. But soon, I saw (your name) running over with a cup of coffee in her hands.

'Sorry for being late!'

She said panting heavily. I smiled and replied

'No worries, it was me that too early.'

  I gave her a few minutes to catch her breath and I opened the door to the bookstore for her. She smiled and thanked me before walking in.

  When she stepped into the bookstore, I can feel her sense of wonder. She always loved books and it transported her to worlds that this world could never be. I personally love books about romance up in space. Space, it feels like an escape from the world I live in. No one can find me in space,no one in Space knows who I am, and therefore, I can be free in space. If I ever had the chance, I would bring (Your Name) to space and marry her there. 

  I followed her in the bookstore and her hands brushed past every book shelf.

'I love the feeling of books, I love how books make me feel.'

  She than suddenly stopped, and it seems like a book caught her eye. The book title, Mystical. The synopsis was about a woman, after meeting the love of her life, met in an accident and forgot all about the man she loved. The man than had to make her fall in love with him again. But as he tried to chase her, he slowly unravels about how her accident was not an accident.

(Your name)'s eyebrows moved closer to one another as she read the synopsis. When she read finish, she looked at me and smiled.

'I choose this book! Now, to choose a book for you!'

  She continued walking around and stopped when she saw a book about cats. She than passes the book to me and asked'

'I have a feeling you are a cat person, so, here is a cat book for you! Let's take these book!'

She still remembers that I love cats. I smiled, took the books off her hands, and walked to the cashier.  

  She walked out of the book store hugging the book.

'I can't wait to read this book! Thank you Seven for getting this book for me. I think this will be my new favourite book.'

  She looked down at the book and she smiled gently. I asked whether she wanted to get a drink, and she said yes. Like a gentleman, with my arm, I pointed the way to the cafe, and signaled her to go first. She giggled at my gesture, took my hand, and we walked to the cafe together.

(A/n: Thank you for reading Re:Reset! Yes, it is a little weird to write a fanfiction in Seven's POV, but I may be writing a third POV in the next chapter. I may be repetitive, but I want to focus on (your name)'s thoughts too. So, I will see you in the next chapter!)

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