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We continued to meet up several times, almost on a weekly basis. On the days that we did not meet, we were taking via text. As in normal text as she does not remember RFA. It feels exactly like the old days, but I feel like she's slowing recalling what I did to her. 

One weekday, she was late for a meet-up. When she finally appeared, she looked really pale. She struggled with opening the door to the cafe, slowly walked towards me and greeted me in a voice that sounded weak.

'What happened?' I asked her.

'This week has been a tough week and I have not been getting enough food or sleep. The boss seemed really critical about every little detail and I kept changing everything'.

I then suggested that she goes home, but she insisted to see me. 

'I missed you and I wanted to see you. I'm sorry if I sound weird...'

I chuckled and said that it was not. After a cup of coffee, we went out of the cafe to go to the newly opened library. We had talked about going to the new library for weeks as we heard about many new upgrades that have been constructed into the library grounds. (Your name) was barely able to walk and she held on to my shoulders to give her support. I turned behind to check up on her and her eyes were barely opened. 

Suddenly, she collapsed. 

Before she hit the ground, I managed to catch her. Her whole body was heating up. I touched her forehead to mine and I realized she was running a fever. I asked her where she lived and I hailed a cab to bring us there. 

Once in her home, I tucked her in bed and quickly found a towel to put over her head. After some time, the look of discomfort on her face faded into peace and breathed a sigh of relief. Once I saw that she was soundly asleep, I went out to buy dinner for us.

I decided to get her porridge and put it in a bowl. I entered her room and she was still asleep.

'(Your name, I got some food for you. Do eat up while it is still hot' I whispered.

Her eyes slowly opened and once she saw me, she smiled. 

'I have caused so much trouble didn't I?' She said while chuckling. 

I shook my head and helped her sit up. She was not able to sit up straight on her own so  I let her lean on my back as she ate. After a few bites, she stopped eating and said she didn't feel like eating anymore. I asked her to eat more, but she just put her head on my shoulder and said she was too tired to eat. I then pat her head and helped her back into bed. 

'Don't go...' She said in her weak voice. She grabbed my hand with all the energy she could muster and started to tear. I smiled and sat on the chair beside her bed. Once she saw me sit down, she closed her eyes. 

Eventually, I feel asleep too, with her hands holding on to mine. 

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