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  I was waiting for (Your Name) at the usual cafe and for the first time, she was late. We always arranged to meet here at 12 noon for a cup of coffee before heading off the work. She is almost never late, but it is already 12.10 pm. It was strange for her to be late.

  Just when I took out my phone to give her a call, she appeared at the entrance of the cafe.

'Sorry for being late! It may sound weird but I had a dream I couldn't wake up from.'

  A dream she couldn't wake up from? I chuckled at her greeting and asked her what her dream was about.

  Her response shocked me. She said it was about us. She meeting me, but, we were not just friends, it seemed like we were really close. She felt a lot of emotions in that dream. She saw us dancing, and then everything turned black. She said she felt like she was falling into an eternal abyss, she wanted to wake herself up, but she couldn't and just kept falling down and down and down for what seemed like eternity. When she finally touched the ground, she woke up.

  She said she felt something special about me, about us. She laughed it off that she was not forcing herself on me, but just felt like a zap. Like she knew me, and knew me really well.

  Is this a relapse? But the drug, I was sure that it would remove all traces of me. But turns out, I, or we still stay her subconsciousness. I am overjoyed that she still remembers me. 

After our coffee came, she suddenly asked me,

'Are you sure we have never met?' She came closer to me and touched my hand. 

'That dream, it felt so real. I felt this, your hand, your warmth, in my dream.' She than put my hand on her cheek. She than closed her eyes, and I could see that she feels a sense a familiarity with this warmth. After while, her eyes open and she put down my hand.

'I'm sorry. I shouldn't have...' Her face turned flushed, but I said it was okay and smiled.

She is remembering everything. Does she feel what I feel about her? I continued to ask her about her dream, and her description is rather similar to that night, but it seemed like it was in her point of view. When she said, after the darkness set it, she felt sad, and betrayed. She asked whether I would do anything bad to her, and she instantly answered that it was impossible for me to plot these kind of things. She than smiled after saying that sentance. It flatters me that she believes that I would never harm her, and I will never harm her. But, I already did. It broke my heart when she said she felt betrayed. I didn't want to do it, but if I didn't vanderwood and everyone that sees me as an threat will get to her. With me out of her life, she would be at peace. If you really love something, you will let it go.

After today's session, I went back home to research about the drug that I gave (Your name). It says that it can remove all memories of the person the patient last saw, but it will not remove feelings of love.

Love, so, she does love me.

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