A Drink

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  For the first time in forever, I felt like drinking a cup of freshly grounded Arabian Coffee at the Cafe.

  I stepped into the Cafe and took a deep whiff of the coffee. It felt energizing. The waiter who disrupted (Your Name) walk into my direction, maybe to take my order. However, once he saw me, he turned away and another waiter came to my table.

  'An cup of Coffee, please.'

  The waiter nodded his head, quickly scribbled down my order and walked away. I sat there, waiting for my coffee. Ahhh, I can't lie any longer, I am actually waiting for (Your Name) to arrive.

  After our first encounter, we exchanged a few messages and I found out that when I met her, it was the first time she went there. She said, when she walked past the Cafe, the scent of the coffee drew her in, like she had smelled it before, and it was a really familiar and comforting scent. She felt like she needed to go in. And when she felt that same vibe when I appeared, and therefore, she felt like she needed to know me.

  It seems like she does remember. She remembers us. The drug, it didn't work. My boss would get so angry, but honestly, I am really happy that it didn't work properly. She still remembers me. Even if she doesn't know it. She may still love me. I hope she does. I still am very much in love with her.

  My first cup of coffee arrived before she did, and I took a sip of the coffee. That scent, together with that taste, was a match made in heaven. I did miss coffee. I could not bring myself to drink coffee as it would remind me of (Your Name). She was the one who introduced me to this coffee shop and the whole idea of drinking coffee regularly. Soon after the first sip, (Your Name) arrived and waved to me with a wide grin on her face.

  'Hello Seven!'

  Her voice, is so cheerful and bubbly. I want to listen to her voice everyday. It is really soothing.

  'Yoyo (Your Namee)!' I said while grinning, saluting and winking at her.

 She giggled at my greeting, saluted me back and sat opposite me. She quickly ordered her cup of coffee. After the waitress walked away, I immediately said a joke. 

'It is quite sad that you ordered a cup of coffee when you cup of tea is already here.'

'My cup of tea?'

'Me.' I winked at her.

  Her face turned flushed and laughed at my joke. She quickly realized that her face was red and tried to cover it up. But it was too late.

'You look so cute when you are blushing'

Those words accidentally slipped out of my mouth, but it was too late, she heard it, and her face turned a shade redder.


'N...N..Nothing!' I tried to laugh it off but honestly, she does look super cute when she is blushing. 

  When her coffee arrived, we started talking about ourselves and I asked about her. I actually already knew everything about her, but I just want to hear it all over again because she is really an interesting person living an interesting life. I also want to hear her voice, look at her, be with her. I don't want this moment to end again. Never again I will let this go.

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