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'Seven, I had this dream...'

We were at the coffee shop when (Your Name) told me this.

'I dream't that we were dancing, and we were happy. I felt your arms around my waist. I felt you. I would never do this, but I wanted to hold your hand.'

She remembers, and when I looked into her eyes, I saw tears forming.

'Tell me Seven, why did you do it?'

My eyes widened in shock. I tried to brush of her dream as a pigment of her imagination but the tears started flowing down her cheeks. She kept insisting that it was real, and she revealed that she was seeing a psychiatrist for the recurring dream she had. The psychiatrist told her that the dream may be a memory, a memory that someone tried to make her forget. She was told to write down all the details of the dream into a book once she woke up. She showed me the book.









She asked me again, 'Did we meet before, Seven?'

I felt tears flow down my cheeks and I couldn't say anything but the word 'Sorry'

As she stood up to leave, I grabbed her arm and asked her to sit down. I explained everything to her. How I have put her in danger, how I had to inject her with the drug to make her forget about me, and how I has to keep her safe. I told her everything, even about my job. I just couldn't hurt her again, because of my failure. I was disappointed with myself, when I was not able to keep her safe from Saeran. I promised myself that I would never hurt (Your Name) again. 

(Your Name) grabbed my hand, and assured me that she was never upset with me. She said that the situation with Saeran was something she brought upon herself and that if she had never got into that situation, she would have never met me. 

'I am Sorry (Your Name), can we please start all over again?' I asked her.

(Your name) smiled and replied,



So this is the end of Re:reset! This took me some time to churn out, but thanks to all the readers who read this from the beginning and waited for me to do the updates! 

I do hope you have enjoyed this book, and I have another Mystic Messenger Fanfic called Mystic Cafe up in the works too!

Hope to see you there! Thank you for reading my book :)

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