Save my Beta!!

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Boboiboy P.O.V

We continue to fall. She then pulls me closer and hugs me. I look down slowly as my sight catch a tiled floor underneath. As we're about to fall purple petals forms underneath us and break our fall. Our feet safely land on the floor and the petals vanish into little petals. I look around and I notice that we're in a hospital.

"When is this" She walks through a door and I follow from behind. She points on a bed with a woman holding a baby "The birth of the hero" I look at the woman. Mom? Then dad comes near her bed and takes the baby from. Suddenly the baby starts to cry, dad starts to panic. "Honey, do something" "I don't know what to do, our first baby didn't cry like this when he was born" They continue trying to calm me down when an elementary boy climbs on the bed and reach out his hand. Dad look at him and give him the baby "Be careful with him Akio" I startle. So it's true Akio did exist in my past. The baby exchange hands. He holds the baby near him and he stops crying and starts to laugh. Akio smile, he looks at dad "What's his name?" he snap and reply "Boboiboy" Akio looks confuse and shook his head "Beta" dad look at mom and mom give him the eye signal. "Do you want his name to be 'Beta'" Akio turns to him and gives him the angry face. "No, I'm the only one who can call him that and here's my final exam result paper" Akio give a sheet paper. Dad takes it and looks surprise "Wow, perfect score for every subject, first place in class and the whole badged" Akio looks up makes a satisfied face "Yup, and I totally burn Irwan. He was burn at 10 years old, so sad" Both of my parents laugh. He looks at the baby "One day you'll be amazing in your own way".

Third Person P.O.V

2 Years later

The scene change. At a house in room "Come on Beta" Akio is on his knees reaching out his hand. Beta walking at him on his hind legs, he slowly step one by one "Bro, bro" he repeats while he's trying to reach Akio. He continues to walk even when he keeps on falling, determine to reach his brother and he succeeds. Akio pick him up and hug him. As a reward he gives Beta a kiss on the cheeks.

3 Years later

Akio holds Beta's hand. They're walking towards a kindergarten. Beta hides behind Akio as they're about to reach the main gate. Akio turn to Beta and holds both of his shoulders "You'll be brave now Beta, respect your teacher, listen in class and make some friends" he kisses his forehead. Beta smiles and hugs his brother. He then walks to the main gate, Akio smile and look at his watch. "I'm LATE!!" He then rush to his school, the main gate is about to close when he touch down right on time. The security guard laughs at Akio and took a picture of him. He wipes his pants as he rushes to his classroom.

A few hours later

A woman with a hijab knocks the door. The subject teacher walks towards her and talk to her. The woman then walk away and the teacher when inside with Beta holding his hands. Akio was shock to see his brother at his school. Beta runs towards his brother everyone in the classroom just looks at him. Akio picks Beta up and puts him on his lap. Beta presses his face against Akio's chest and starts to sob. "He had a few issues at the daycare" Akio nods at his teacher. It was the first day of school so the teacher didn't mind with Beta being there. Akio kisses his brother's forehead and the whole class just melts. The entire day everyone attention is draw to Beta even the teachers.

1 Year later

  Beta is holding an ice cream that Akio just bought for him. He licks it happily sometimes he gives Akio have a taste. They walk through an empty field when suddenly a space ship looks like it's about to crash when it pulls up to avoid the crash. But when it did it release a wave that causes a hard pressure on Akio's and Beta's hearts. Beta let go of the ice cream and starts to hold his chest same goes to Akio. They both drop on the ground and scream in pain. Then the wave stop, Akio gets up and walks towards Beta. He picks Beta up and tries to wake him up. "BETA, DON'T LEAVE ME!" Suddenly a man comes out of the space ship and kneels in front. "He's dying. The ray cause a pressure upon" He said. Akio startle and starts to bawl his eyes out, he grips Beta tighter. "I could help but I have to take something from him" He takes a deep breath "I need your existence in his memory" Akio was shock but he didn't disagree instead he takes that man's hand and beg him "Anything, take everything you need just please..." he shouts


Boboiboy P.O.V

The last piece of memory fades away. Tears runs down to my cheek. Akio.... How long have you been keeping this pain? Why did you lie to me? I don't mind because it doesn't hurt me as much as it hurts you to lose me. Why are you so selfless?! I turn to my right and Purple Rose just lean to me and whisper "Everything he did Beta is for your sake. But now Drago have found his weak spot in his defense all this years. He needs to know that you have discovered his existence and accept him as a part of you. Only then he is able to surpass his past mistake. Free him Beta. Be his Beta again." I take a deep and suck everything up. "I'll free him" Purple Rose starts to glow and through her light I could see Akio stands alone. I jump into the light while reaching out my hand wishing I could reach him. "Akio, I learned the truth please let me in!" He turns around


Hey guys sorry for the late update I hope you enjoy this chapter. It took me a while and I know his memory is very little. Sorry about that. Thank you

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