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Black Wing P.O.V

"Boboiboy?" I slam the door open and made my way to Boboiboy. I lift his head up, he's still asleep. Tears trigger down his cheeks, his gripping his fist with the sheet in between, his breath is heavy. I try to wake him by calling his name but it didn't work but I keep it on hoping that he'll wake up. Suddenly his eyes are open wide and he gets up. He starts to look around puzzled. I put my hand on his shoulder, he turn around and jump into my arm. He grips my shirt and starts to sob. I put my right hand on his head and my left one pats his back. I pull away and wipe away his tears. He suck the air up, he look at me "I think I know what happen to Beta"

I look at him in shock. "Really?" he nod then he stand on his bed. "I had a dream where I was him, I was with this guy who I'm pretty sure is you. Then I suddenly I felt this pain on my chest and you starts to beg for me/ Beta not to leave me" I didn't have the chance to say anything he sits down again and puts his hand on my chest. "Remember you told me you don't know what happen to your brother Beta, maybe I just receive one of his memory. Now I need to know why?" I smile and put my hand on his head. "We'll do it later, you young man promise to deliver the cocoa tomorrow morning" He excitedly nod and jump back to bed. I exit the room and close the door then I slam my body on the door. "Is it just a dream? Or is he starting to remember, Sir what is the answer?"

Boboiboy P.O.V

I lie back down and close my eyes; I could hear Senior Akio walks slowly out the door. I twist may body so my stomach lay flat on the mattress. I take a deep breath. "I hope I could know more about Beta. Maybe I could help Senior to surpass his loss" I yawn and fall back to sleep. But little do I know pair of eyes is staring at me through the window.

Time Skip 

A horn shouts in my ears. I immediately wake up and see Senior holding a blow horn while sticking his tongue out. I puff up my cheeks and cross my arm saying "Don't you have any better way to wake me up" and he got the massage because he puts the blow horn down and try to hug me. "I'm sorry; I'm sorry" I push him away. "Fine" I answer. I get up and dash to the bathroom. I laugh all the way there, suddenly my heart skip a beat. I halt and look around but no one's there. I shake it off and continue my journey.

Black Wing P.O.V

A horn shouts in my ears. I immediately wake up and see Senior holding a blow horn while sticking his tongue put. I puff up my cheeks and cross my arm saying "Don't you have any better way to wake me up" and he got the massage because he put the blow horn down and try to hug me. "I'm sorry; I'm sorry" I push him away. "Fine" I answer. I get up and dash to the bathroom. I laugh all the way there, suddenly my heart skip a beat. I halt and look around but no one's there. I shake it off and continue my journey.

Black Wing P.O.V

Boboiboy left in a dash so I decided to go to my room but as I'm about to take the first step I  suddenly fall down. My head hurts so bad, I try to keep my eyes open, and then I realize that my eyes are wide open but my vision is turning dark. I try to get up but I failed. "What a shame the great Commander is having some issue with his emotions." I know that voice. It can't be Suddenly I could feel someone's cold fingers touch my chin and lift it up. "Drago...!" My voice is slow as he laughs. "What I can't hear you?" He raises his arm along with my face and slams it to the ground. He steps on my neck and puts pressure on it. I couldn't breathe and vision isn't helping either. Suddenly I could hear Boboiboy calling my name, Drago smirks and left in the blink of an eye. "Senior!!!!" I could hear his voice and then I could feel him shaking me just before my vision gives away.

Hey guys sorry for the late update and the short story line. I'm trying my best to brainstorm at 12:00 p.m with my back killing me. Thank You for your support

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