You're free

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Boboiboy P.O.V

I could see him turn around but then he yell. "Beta, watch out!!" Suddenly I feel a hit on my side and went flying. I land roughly on the ground. What was that? I got up and look again. It's a person but he's different. In a way he is.

Third Person View

Boboiboy stare at the being and realize that he have the mark and an aura of a rose. But his skin is grey and his eyes are red with crack around the edge. Akio tries to get up but his feet are bleeding and paralyze. The creature turns back at him and grabs his shoulder. He opens his mouth and it stretch about half a feet. A flowing light comes out of Akio's chest. He screams in pain, Boboiboy snaps out of his hesitation and activate his power band. Sadly the power band didn't activate he look at it puzzle as for Akio his still in pain. He gives up on activating his power but instead he runs and hit the creature with his head. The creature stumbles aside giving the chance for him to be by Akio's side. Akio is lying in his back.

"Akio please be ok" he opens his eyes and immediately gets up. "Boboiboy what are you doing here? You have to get out of here!" He pulls his cape of and tosh it in front of him. The cape labiate and opens a portal. He turns to Boboiboy and pulls his hand, "Boboiboy get in the portal and go back to reality, stay there until I com..." Boboiboy cuts him off "I wouldn't leave you here, you'll get hurt" The creature starts to get back up. Akio look at it in fear before turning back to Boboiboy "You matter, I need to protect you" Boboiboy looks at the ground before looking back at Akio with a smile "Beta, it's Beta" Akio startle and look at him in the eyes, tears starts to flow. "Beta?" Boboiboy nod and hugs Akio. The creature crawls back in an incredible speed and grows bigger and attack them.

Akio lift up his head and smile, he puts his hands out blocking the creature away. A light comes out from his right eye that is not protected by his crack mask. The light glows through his nerves and veins to his right hand. A diamond appears infront his palms. More diamonds appears around the main one, diamond dagger shots out it. Every attack is a hit. The creature couldn't escape and finally exploded. Akio falls out of energy Boboiboy quickly holds him. He looks at Boboiboy and kisses his forehead and hugs him tighter. Purple observe from far. The crystal memory is no longer chains neither do Akio. But her relief fades. Her biggest has comes have begun. "It's starting, I have to..." She looks at Akio and Boboiboy,

"He has been through enough, I should settle this myself. Drago you'll fall this time, I'll make sure about it" She turns around and enters a portal back to reality.

Hey guys sorry for the late update, I have too much homework. And I hope you can keep up cause there will be another book after this ok. Thank you  

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