The Meaning of Equality

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So many people in the world believe in equality. They say "All lives matter", and some actually do help everyone. But one cannot say that they think everyone deserves equality until they look at everyone. Too many people shout, "I love everyone!", then turn to discriminate against a group of people.

Equality should include everyone. This means not discriminating based on race, gender, intelligence, religion, age, size, disability, or pretty much anything. When someone doesn't know something, help them but try not to be condescending. If someone has a different religion or doesn't have religion, try to understand. Remember that you can still respect each other, and possibly incorporate new values into your lifestyle if they suit you.

I believe that even murderers deserve some respect. No, I do not believe that they should be rewarded, but I believe that they should be able to learn how to behave and interact. Labeling the mentally ill as such does not help them to find their place in the world. Judgement only makes things worse. Telling others that they can't overcome their illness will cause hatred. Mental illness is a phrase that degrades someone who may have had a chance to help the world be a better place.

Anyone who claims to support equality needs to learn what equality is. Learn about new cultures, religions, disabilities. Accept people no matter what. Help those who need it, even if they are hated by the rest of society. Stop telling genders what they can or can't do, because self-identity is important to mental health. Don't assume gender based on clothes. If someone isn't as intelligent, who cares? We're all in this together. The only way to fix anything is to accept that others are different and agree to work with them, and be willing to change ourselves to make a better future.

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