Chapter fourty-five

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•Brook's POV•

I woke up to Nick telling me we were at the airport.
"Brook babe are you awake?" He asked.
"Yeah yeah." I said annoyed.
He gave me that cute smile. But for some reason I didn't think it was cute. I found it annoying.

We arrived at the airport 2 hours before our flight so we just started walking around.
"Hey are you okay?" Nick asked concerned.
"I'm fine." But obviously I wasn't. I just didn't want to ruin this trip. But maybe if I talk to him now it's better? Ugh I hate myself for doing this.
"Just tell me what's wrong! Obviously you've been annoyed by every single thing I've done today!"
"Geez calm down." I rolled my eyes.
"See! Just tell me so we'll get over it before the flight and we can enjoy ourselves once there."
"Fine. Look I think we should break up. It's for the best I promise." I explained seriously. I felt bad but I had to do it. Better now that later.
"You know what Brook, it's fine by me. It's obviously what you want so fine let's break up."He whisper-shouted and walked away.
I sighed. I felt relieved but still a little bad but relieved. I know it's for the best. I now should go talk to Dylan.

I started looking for him and finally for what seemed an hour I found him at a cafe.
"Hi?" I said unsure.
"What?" He said annoyed.
"Can we talk?"
"Why? Nick broke up with you so now you're coming back to me? Is that it Brook?! Is that fuckin' it?! Each time when you break up you come back to me! I'm not some consoling prize! I have feelings and you hurt them real bad."
"I wanted to tell you but everything happened so fast! I don't even know how you found out-"
"We're neighbors." He looked down. I get it now, he saw everything last night. I must've forgotten to close my curtains.
"Dylan please just listen to me. I feel so bad for what happened and I'm really sorry. But-" he cut me off again.
"But what? He broke up with you so now you back running to me?!"
"NO YOU DUMBASS!!!!! SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME! I BROKE UP WITH HIM BECAUSE BEING WITH HIM DIDN'T FEEL RIGHT!!" I yelled and everybody around us was looking at us. Good thing though, there wasn't anyone from school.
He stood up and we were really close.
"It is being with the guy I love. I was just confused." I said and he gave me a confused look.
"Dylan, would you do me the honor of finally being my boyfriend? Because I love you." I said softly and all the crowd yelled "awww" but I was so scared his answer.
"This shouldn't be how it happens" he said.
"What?" I was confused. Did this mean no?
"I should be the one asking you." He said.
"Shut the hell up and-" he cut me off by kissing me. I obviously kissed back and all the crowed cheered.
"Yes Brook I would do you the honor of being your boyfriend." He said after breaking the kiss.
"Finally." I whispered and sighed.
"Yeah, finally." He repeated and hugged me.
"Oh by the way, I love you too baby girl." He smiled and I kissed his cheek.

We walked around together and talked. It felt good being with him.
"I missed you." I smiled and Dylan put his arm around me. We walked a bit more then came the time to get on the plane. I was a little scared to see Nick, to see his reaction when he'll see me with Dylan.

We got installed in the plane twenty minutes before the flight. The only person missing was Nick.
"Dylan I'll be right back." I said and went back inside the airport. As I was about to give up looking for Nick, I found him sitting in the lounge.
"Nick the plane is about to take off." I informed him.
"Then you should go back before it takes off without you." He said blankly and looked back at his phone.
"You too." I raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not going anymore."
"You're kidding right?" I was surprised.
"Nick! You're going to Mexico." I was pissed. Why was he being so weak?
"Fine stay here and let me win like that. Show me that because of me you're not going. Fine with me. Be weak." I said and knew it would push him.
"Fine I'm going but just for you." He winked, got up and walked ahead of me towards the plane.

Is it okay that I did this or since I'm with Dylan I shouldn't have done that? Sometimes I feel like I don't how to act with a guy. I really don't have that much experience and I don't want to screw things up with Dylan. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me.

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