August Pov
"Come on," I pulled Karma's arm for her to get up. No disrespect but she has gotten BIIG. Her bomb bombed by a baby. I peeped at her ass when she finally gave in and got up. She still got that fat ass though.
"August I'm not going back to New Orleans," she said dragging herself all through the house, "shiitt I don't want to even leave this house." I really didn't care. I just wanted to tap her ass. It's been almost six months.
"Mhm," I hummed. She turned around to look at me.
"August Anthony Alsina Jr.," she said yelling in my face playfully.
"I love you to death but baby you need to go brush yo teeth," I gagged. She sized me before walking in the bathroom to brush her teeth.
"Love you," I yelled after her before she slammed the bathroom door. I laughed to myself before going downstairs.
Karma came and plopped next to me. She tilted her head back on my lap. She gave me one of her school girls smiles. She started shaking while she cheesed hella hard.
"Uhh Karma," I jumped back a little, "are you okay."
"I'm fine," she said through her smile. I fake laughed. She stopped. She sighed.
"And what is it with these boys poking me on my cheeks," she said trying not to laugh.
"Who else poked you," I got an attitude and pulled my glasses down. She laughed almost falling on the floor. She kept on laughing until she started holding her stomach.
"I'm still waiting on my damn answer," I said shaking my leg. She started laughing again. She sat on my lap and swung her leg over. She wrapped her arms around my neck.
"Nobody," her voice squeaked to a high pitch. I gave her a 'what the fuck ever face'. She rolled her eyes and then kissed my lips. She deepened the kiss by adding tongue. I picked her up not braking from the kiss and pushed her up against the wall. She pulled away making me look up at her.
"Just," she closed her eyes tightly, "just don't hurt em."
Karma grabbed on to the sheets breathing heavily. She looked over at me and the narrowed her eyes.
"Is it just me or did 'he' get bigger over the last few months," she questioned looking up at the ceiling. I laughed a little about her really trying to think. I shrugged before kissing her on her forehead. Right before I could say anything the door bell ringed. Karma gave me a smile before hoping out the bed and putting on her robe. She winked at me before closing the door tightly behind her....
Karma Pov
I walked down stairs and opened the door to see Sierra and her family with some pans, flowers, and a large gift basket.
"Hi Karma we just wanted to thank you again for saving Sierra," one of them said sweetly. I covered the top half of me in embarrassment.
"Thank you," I said grabbing some things, "come in." I sat the basket on the living room.
"Umm Imma go change and...uhh wake up August," I walked backwards and then when I got around that corner I ran for my life. I busted in the door and rushed to put on my underwear, my bra, a tank top and some sweats.
"Who was it," August said all groggy.
"It was Sierra and her family get up," I jumped on the bed almost immediately. August popped his head over the bed. He saw that I fell and started cracking up.
"That shit ain't funny now get cha asa up," I said before doing a back tumble roll to the door. I took a breath and fixed my hair.
I sashayed to the living room to see them watching basketball. Sierra was texting on her phone laughing to herself. I cleared my throat and their eyes came on me. I smiled politely.
"You guys want some snacks or anything to drink," I said going to the kitchen. They all shook their heads.
"Okay," I said getting me some water.
I heard August jogging down the steps and I tensed up a bit. He went right to me and kissed me on my forehead.
I grabbed his hand and we sat down awkwardly with the rest. You could tell that Sierra wasn't all the way cured from her jealously problem. After a while of awkward silence Sierra stood up.
"C'mon y'all I'm kind of sleepy," she said. They all got up and me and August walked them to the door.
"Bye y'all," the family said sweetly, "take care now,"
"You too," I gestured back.
"Bye Karma," Sierra said, "Bye August." She said August with more feeling then Karma but I didn't let that get to me.
I made August wait at the door until they were in the car and down the street. I plopped on the couch and stared at my stomach.
"I'm six months and I don't even know what Imma name this baby," I said frustrated. August chuckled and sat next to me. I thought about it and then grabbed my phone.
"What are you doing," he asked.
"Calling my best friend," I replied bluntly. After three rings I heard Iyanna's voice fill my ears.
"Hello?" she said sweetly.
"Hey Yaya it's Karma," I said.
"What do you want," she said with an attitude. I could just picture her rolling her eyes and all that stuff.
"I wanted to say sorry," I apologized.
"It's okay I mean YOU were wrong," She said getting jazzy.
"But you was the one wrong," I said confused, "I mean August didn't cheat Sierra told me."
"Yea trust that bitch over me," she said all peppy. See it's easier to just cuss a bitch out then you being all nice.
"Iyanna," I whined, "come on."
"I'm sorry but I'm not sorry," she stated bluntly before I heard I click on the other end. I balled up my fist and threw the phone. August looked at me wierdly. And I just stomped up the steps.
Woooow! Talking about meatloaf. It's an expression I made. But can you say three year old temper tantrum. Lol but Iyanna needs to get that ass tapped. And not what you thinking about ya nasty. But did yall see August on the beats commercial. I made everybody shut up when I saw that. Buuuut I already knew about it I just didn't know it was coming on MY channels. I talk to damn much.
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And I start back going to hell in 35 minutes....PEACE!!!

Trust Issues ~August Alsina Love Story~ (EDITING)
FanfictionA woman named Karma Sullivan and a man named August Alsina became high school Sweet Hearts. But when August moves out of state from Atlanta to New Orleans her world collapses. When the two finally meet up again they find themselves not trusting each...