August Pov
Karma boarded the plane with an attitude. She plopped down in a seat at random. She folded her arms and put on her seat belt.
"Come on Karma," I whined grabbing her hand. She looked at me and her eyes softened.
"Why didn't you tell me we were flying to Orleans," She sighed.
"It was a family emergency," I said. She nodded her head lightly. She kissed me on the cheek. I'm surprised she didn't cuss me out or anything.
The flight attendant came on the intercom saying we need to put on our seat belt. I strapped mine on and closed my eyes. The faster I go to sleep the quicker this flight is over.
Karma Pov
Awwww. August looks so cute when he's sleeping. I couldn't help but snuggled with him. He didn't seem to notice. He moved his arm around me and snuggled back.
That's how we were the whole flight. 4 and a half hours of August leaning and breathing all over me. The flight attendant laughed at us when she came around to see if we needed or wanted anything.
The plane landed kind of bumpy which made August stir in his sleep. I pushed him off of me. I could tell his ears were popping because he kept tapping them.
When the lights for unbuckling came on I shook August a little.
"August," I whispered, "baby get up we here." It took him a minute but he surprisingly woke up. He yawned and stretched. He got up and looked around. He put his hand out and helped get up.
August's phone ringed signalling he had a text message. He looked up confused and a girl ran to him knocking him over. She kissed him all over his face while I stood there awkwardly.
He playfully pushed her off and he dusted his self of.
"My nigga," the girl said hugging him. She looked at me and circled me. August shook his head.
"This Karma," she said looking me up and down. I nodded. A grin spread across her face.
"Damn you all ready sizing her," August chuckled.
"But you said Karma was pregnant," she folded her arms.
"I am," I said.
"Daaaauuuummmnnn," she said, "it don't look like it." I kind of laughed. I thought I was really fat. She came next to me and linked my arm.
"Well I'm Rachel," she put her hand on her chest, "and I'm August's ROD cousin." I laughed and she touched my stomach.
"It's a boy," she smacked her lips.
"How do you know," by this time we reached her car. She unlocked it. August opened the door for me.
"Because Gust told me," she laughed putting the key in the ignition. I laughed. I like her already.
"You get the car," August said getting in.
"Duh," she rolled her eyes.
About twenty minutes later we ended up at a house. Most of the houses around it were broke down and old or abandoned.
She got out and locked her car. When we walked in the room that was previously loud grew silent. I think August grandma walked up to August and gave him a great big hug.
"August baby I missed you," she hugged him tightly. The family all gathered around to greet August with big hugs and Kisses. Rachel rolled her eyes and pulled my hand while she pushed through the family.
Three little girls walked down the stairs with some barbies. They talked while walking down the steps. They had pretty long twisties in their hair.
"Ray Ray," one of them called.
"Yea was up Noonie," Rachel said pulling her on her lap.
"Why is everyone loud," she said confused. August walked pass everyone. When the girls saw him their eyes lit up. Huge smiles appeared on their little faces.
"UNCLE AUGUST!" they screamed in unison. They jumped on him telling him how much they missed him. He picked two up and the other tugged on him not letting go. I thought it was so cute. Rachel shook her head.
After a while everything died down a little. The girls went up stairs to play and the adults sat in the living room talking. I met August's family before seems a little different. The seem more....friendly and family like now. Don't get me wrong they were so nice...but now they engage me more in their conversations.
Augy glanced at his phone. He nodded and got up. I wonder where his ass going. Well....I could sit here and listen to their conversation.....or I can go be nosey.
I walked lightly to the room where August and I would be sleeping. On my way I stopped by the girls' room. It wasn't much. It was just bunk beds. They where watching tv. I walked in and there heads snapped my direction.
Kay Kay ,I think flashed me one of the most cutest smiles ever. I walked in and saw the were watching Cinderella.
"Hey," I whispered.
"Hi," Chay Chay said.
"Which Cinderella is this one," I asked sitting next to them watching the movie.
"The first one," Noonie said not taking her eyes off the tv.
"We don't have the other two," Kay Kay said sadly. Her head biwed as she fiddled with her baby like hands. I felt bad. I know it's just a movie but Daddy's usually go out and buy these things. And their dad wasn't here to go that extra mile to provide beyond their needs.
"You want the other two," I asked.
"YES!" they said excitedly.
"Okay," I said, "I'll go get them but you girls have to be good." They all nodded quickly.
"Thank you Karma!" the said hugging me.
"Your welcome," I said gasping for air. They backed up a little. Still excited.
I got up and dusted my self off.
"Okay now tell me how the movie went," I said pointing to their old fasshion, box TV. They nodded. I smiled and walked into the room and saw August putting something in his waist ban.
"What is that," I said pointing to his waist as I leaned against the door frame with folded arms. He looked down at his waist band and back up at me.
"Nothing," he said awkwardly. He grabbed his phone and I think a hat or something. I watched him walk out and made sure he was gone. I looked through the suit case quickly for some sweats. I found them but under it was a semi hand pistol.
"The hell," I whispered to myself. As I picked the pistol up. The door creaked opened and Rachel stood there in awe. I froze like a deer in head lights.
"I-" she cut me off.
"I know it's not yours but what are you doing with it," she asked.
"I was looking for some sweats," I said nervously.
"What for,mm?" she said crossing her arms. Something about the the look and her demeanor made me blurt out the truth.
"I was gonna follow August," I blurted, "I want to make sure he's okay." She grabbed a gun out the suit case.
"Without me," she asked with an attitude.
I guess She wasn't playing when she said she was August's ROD cousin....
My niggas....sorry for the long wait. A lot on my plate but I just wanted to thank y'all again. Like the votes on here freaks me out. Buuuutttt....those reads. I bragg about y'all at school like it's nothing. I be like you think that short story is good? I got over 12K reads on mine. Of course they don't believe. Buuuttt fuck them....
Where did August go?
What is Karma's pregnant self gon do?
Ain't Rachel hood?
6 votes....two comments....

Trust Issues ~August Alsina Love Story~ (EDITING)
FanfictionA woman named Karma Sullivan and a man named August Alsina became high school Sweet Hearts. But when August moves out of state from Atlanta to New Orleans her world collapses. When the two finally meet up again they find themselves not trusting each...