Who's Forge?"

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He didn't want to get up, Baekhyun was never an early bird...especially on days like these. It was a coming of age day, where it would be his first time leaving his coral to be transformed. Transformed into what? A merman. Yes, someone with a tail. At the age of 20, you get transformed. Its the only way you can live, either you have a tail or you dont.

Yawning, Baek lazily combed his finger through his faded blue hair and stretched. He was gonna miss wearing his favourite shirts, being a merman really restricts you from wearing anything these days...

"Are you ready?" Kyungsoo stumbled into Baekhyun's room, also looking half asleep. "Yeah, let's go!" Baek beamed, grabbing Kyungsoo by the arm and pulling him towards the shell transportation that would safely take him to the main castle.

The thought of getting his tail made Baekhyun giddy but anxious. At least he would be able to breath under water and go to places by himself. The ride wasn't long and Kyungsoo was mostly quiet until the castle came into view "Have you seen the royal family lately? Apparently the 2 youngest princes will be attending" Kyungsoo mused and it caught Baek's attention "you mean Chanyeol and Jongin? They got transformed at the age of 15, why would they be at the ceremony?" Baekhyun furled his eyebrows

Kyungsoo shrugged "I dunno, I guess they just wanted to attend for the sake of it." Baek went back to his quiet, thoughtful state. Thinking about the royal family. Rumour has it that Chanyeol already had a Pair, rumour has it that you couldn't help but fall for the princes charms if you saw him. Baekhyun scoffed at the rumours and turned back to Kyungsoo who also looked like he was dreaming. "What colour do you think you'll get?" Baek asked, Kyungsoo sighed "Stop asking questions I can't answer. But I hope I get something nice...unlike green or pink, ugh" Kyungsoo made pretend gag noises and Baek laughed "I don't mind what color, as long as its pretty"

"Anything looks pretty on you, Baek. I'm jealous. I can just imagine all gender falling to your feet with that body of yours" Kyungsoo mumbled enviously as their transportation finally came to a stop. Baekhyun was hesitant to get off but it wasn't until he saw other girls and boys walking that he followed on.

Baekhyun worriedly tried to grab Kyungsoo's hand but soon they were completely separated by the flow of the crowd. Baek was following one route, Kyungsoo was down another. He looked up in awe as dozens of mermaids and mermen swam above him, swirls and patterns forged into their tails. Baekhyun always liked the idea of unique patterns. He walked further and when he finally entered the castle, he gasped and widened his eyes at the size of it, everything was so grand.

"Please follow me, you will be seated right away" A mermaid took him firmly by the arm and pulled him to an empty seat. If one thing, Baekhyun wasn't too keen on the fact that you transformed in front of everyone, which meant your colour and pattern would be seen by the world. Ugly or not.

Baekhyun didn't exactly focus on all the girls and boys that were being called up, transformed and cheered at. He was more focused looking for the royal family, but there were no familiar faces.

But he did take his time to awe at all the amazing colours and patterns etched into their shimmering scales. His heart was beginning to thump loudly and it was finally then that his name was called. Baekhyun slowly stood up with the assistance of nearby mermen and walked up to the stage. The whole room was silent, many eyes were on him and he tried to swallow down the anxiousness rising inside him. "Byun Baekhyun, congratulations on your coming of age" the people cheered and it was a foreign feeling of happiness. The lady on the stage handed him a blue sort of liquid "Drink this, your fate depends on it" She whispered, gleaming her pearl white teeth.

Without thinking further, Baekhyun's eyes suddenly met with Chanyeol's as the liquid claimed his throat with a burning sensation. The boy froze and it felt like his body was being put up in flames despite the fact that he was under water. His eyes still trained on Chanyeol who looked quite amused, Baekhyun closed his eyes and let the transformation consume him. His whole body felt light and free, almost weightless. But all the euphoric feelings disappeared when Baekhyun heard the audience go silent.

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