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My fan art :) ^^^

Baekhyun was just another survivor of the attacks. A survivor of the crumbling buildings that collapsed onto themselves and onto civilians just like him. A survivor of the black smoke that swept through the streets, choking anyone who were to block its path. A survivor of the fangs that belonged to the monsters that plummeted his world into hell.

He was still just like everyone else, but something about him made him stand out to someone. Someone important. With an incredulous amount of power that could bring the world to his knees with a click on the finger.

His only possessions were the clothes he stood up in. Unintentionally ripped jeans that showed more skin than he was comfortable with, a blood stained shirt that hung loosely from his dangerously skinny body, and the black denim jacket that once belonged to someone who was now forgotten; his memory clouded from the smoke outside itself.

His sight was filled with darkness, darker than it had been in his dreary and upsetting life. Not a single strand of light managed to find its way into the carriage he was being held captive inside at the dead of night. He felt the occasional bump as the wheels sped over say a fragment of what could have been the walls to houses of people he had forgotten.

The ounces of energy had left we quickly being engulfed by the heavy atmosphere surrounding him. Eventually letting him drift off into an anything but deep sleep.

Sounds of a key unlocking the padlocks that secured him inside the chamber with were what dragged him back to consciousness before being pulled to his feet by rough and ungentle hands.

Baekhyun bit back the scream that was so close to erupting from his split and bloody lips as he looked up to see the grand palace. It bestowed a look of the darkest pits of hell, the entirety of it coated in a thick icing of black.

Black windows, black bricks, black doors, black spears and black fences. All void of any figment of colour or life.

Why was he here? We're among the tangled thoughts as to why he stood in front of this so called palace. And why him?

Firm grips on his arms cut of these messages invading his thoughts as he was dragged closer and closer towards the doors that loomed between him and the monsters he new that lived there.

He had forgotten how long it had been since the vampires started to retaliate. Humans continuously decreased the equality between the two species until the vampires had had enough.

Humans never realised the potential harm these monsters could cause, and now there are so few left that you're lucky to find a single human inhabited area. Everyone fled to underground safe places as soon as news came to them, but ones with no place rummaged the surface in gangs or solo, that is if they weren't dead already.

Baekhyun was unfortunate enough to not be accepted in gangs or be strong enough to go solo. They rejected him because he was too weak and fragile. He was too soft in a world where it is said only the hardest of people are able to survive.

He knew he wouldn't be able to survive much longer if he stayed in the abandoned  corner shop that only provided him with a limited amount of food and wasn't all that much of a good hiding place from a  vampire that could crush his skull with its fists.

The heaving doors swung open as Baekhyun was thrown to his knees, feeling the cold of the marble seep into the skin through the rips in his jeans. An eerie silence swallowing the scene as guards shuffled in different directions and out of sight as the doors slammed behind Baekhyun. His gaze concentrated on tracing the lines in the marble as he waited  alone in the immense halls.

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