Cat and Mouse

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He had a bounty, round about a million. Since it's been 2 years that he had been on the run, hoaxing rich men and women to let him use their house as safe house. All Baekhyun wanted to do was indulge in glittery diamonds and money. He loved attention, he wanted to be caught. He wanted to be cuffed up and pushed behind bars by a certain FBI officer that he once knew, Chanyeol.

Of course, Baekhyun couldn't make it easy. If anything, he loved playing games, when he was younger he and Chanyeol would play Monopoly and he would always end up in jail, Chanyeol would always win, ending up with the glamorous red mansions and the most expensive plots. The rules have changed, Baekhyun could always escape, in the end, he always escaped Jail, first with a monopoly card, then his v-card. Lewd, Baekhyun grinned at the thought, he missed Chanyeol in someway, he hasn't been caught in almost 2 years, maybe he was covering up too well.

Baekhyun's neat brushes at the soil eventually failed him when there were sirens ringing outside his house. Light shone in brightly through the windows and Baekhyun sat back in his chair comfortably, tasting the last of his precious whiskey before the doors unhinged itself and in came his one and only. Agent Park Chanyeol, head of Department. However, Baekhyun prefered Chanyeol's infamous alias "Big Daddy", the elder chuckled. Almost laughing too loud at the past.

"Alas, you have caught my tail..." Baekhyun cooed, putting his drink down and standing up to meet an infuriated Agent. They weren't that far apart, but Baekhyun could feel the heat radiating from the bigger man, it was undeniable that Chanyeol was burning with rage and frustration.

"I am done with playing games." Chanyeol growled, but all Baekhyun did was lock his wrists together willingly and pressed it against Chanyeol's flaring chest, pouting almost. He wanted to be caught so bad.

"This is only the start, Yeol. We still have places to go, things to do..." Baekhyun purred, bringing his body to meet the heat of Chanyeol's before the Agent roughly grabbed him by the arms and tugged him away.

"I'll lock you up and make sure you never see the sun ever again." Venom laced the younger's voice but Baekhyun smiled.

"The sun is nonexistent when you're around." He batted his eyelashes and that's when Chanyeol dragged him outside into the open where there were a couple of other SUV's surrounding his house. A helicopter above got the word and flew away, a few cars turned and disappeared into the night. Chanyeol threw Baekhyun against the car and pinned the smaller down as he fastened the cuffs around Baekhyun's slim wrists. Pressing harder when he struggled. Baekhyun had to admit, he missed the feeling of Chanyeol grinding into him from behind, the feeling felt like home. He was probably enjoying this more than he should...oops.

Day had already greeted them over the horizon by the time Baekhyun was taken to the station, he was welcomed by the fact that Chanyeol absolutely refused the assistance of his colleagues to interrogate Baekhyun when Chanyeol failed multiple times. Jealousy displayed itself like a sweetheart. "Tell me, Baekhyun. Where did you hide all the shit you stole, tell me now or I swear to god I will-" Chanyeol didn't even finish his sentence when he slammed his fist into the metal table and reached out to grab Baekhyun's collar, pulling the criminal dangerously close.

Baekhyun grinned, he also missed the feeling of Chanyeol's hot breath fanning his cupid's bow. Chanyeol's voice dropped ten octaves lower, a venomous whisper that sent shivers down Baekhyun, "nothing will change, Baekhyun. I can't chase you forever and you can't keep running. This has to stop. If you tell me, we can stop playing this pointless game and fucking go back to the way we were."

"What were we, Chanyeol?" Baekhyun cocked his head, wrapping his arms around Chanyeol's torso.

"Go back to loving each other? Go back to being stuck together by the hips? Go back to being normal? I'm not sure I know what that is anymore." Chanyeol released the death grip on Baekhyun's collar, wanting to return affection, wanting to run it through the elder's hair and indulge in his scent. He probably missed Baekhyun more than he should.

Baekhyun's hand fell limp and Chanyeol pushed him back into the wall, eyes glazed with desperation. Pinned against the cold brick, Baekhyun relaxed and leaned his head onto the wall, loving the fact that Chanyeol had decided to take a different approach. His arms were above his head, secured by Chanyeol's strong arms.

"Fuck you, Baekhyun." he grinned. "By the end of this, you'll be telling me everything. Whether you like it or not."

- Bear 😋

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